[LAU] USB audio interfaces with more than 16 digital output channels ?

David Kastrup dak at gnu.org
Tue Dec 19 22:28:08 UTC 2017

Niklas Reppel <nik-dfXCYt+O3ny75nlTXBrUiQ at public.gmane.org> writes:

> Hi,
> i'm currently looking for interfaces that have more than 16 digital
> outputs for higher-order ambisonics
> applications.
> One of my requirements would be that they work with recent laptops,
> that is laptops that don't have
> expresscard or firewire interfaces, as those unfortunately aren't
> built any more.
> I've stumbled over a LAU post from 2016 where options were discussed.
> There's the DiGiCo UB Madi that is reported to work, but the price is
> ridiculous, and also it seems
> rare/hard to be obtained or even out of production.
> The RME Madiface USB aren't working at all (tried one of them myself).
> So, the PCIe and ExpressCard versions of the RME MADI interfaces have
> been reported working,
> but has anybody ever tried to use them with USB-to-PCIe or
> USB-to-ExpressCard adapters?

That would seem hopeless since they are very unlikely to use the USB
port on an ExpressCard.  But a Thunderbolt to ExpressCard adapter might
have a chance of working.

David Kastrup

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