[LAU] Introducing AVL Drumkits LV2!

jonetsu jonetsu at teksavvy.com
Mon Jan 16 22:16:49 UTC 2017

On Mon, 16 Jan 2017 07:05:14 -0800 (PST)
Len Ovens <len at ovenwerks.net> wrote:

> On Mon, 16 Jan 2017, jonetsu wrote:
> > CPU is a concern that is explored by u-he.  As they state, it's not
> > much if people cannot use it.  pianoteq does just fine, so one could
> > wonder - in general - what could be the difference between the
> > physical modeling of piano and drums regarding CPU usage.
> One piano model vs many drum models?

There might be a point there.  So it would depend on the drum kit
components.  Is it more complex to model a piano than a single tom ?
And then a cymbal ?  I would tend to think that a cymbal is quite
complex.  So yes, CPU usage might very well be way up there.  At least
without optimization.

A modelling though, could respond to any input from an interface.
There could be resource decoupling between the model generation and the
input stage.

> [...] one drum, let alone a kit or percusion section. I suspect that
> really getting a drum performance in MIDI would require a model for
> each drum, that uses the note numbers as stick zones. [...]

No entirely sure about this.  See my reply to Robin about the Wavedrum
I have (1).  If a model is able to respond accordingly to any input
thrown at it, then the interface already exists to allow for instance
tapping of nails to brushes to mallets to drum sticks to pressure on a
electronic drum interface.  How far away can this be from interfacing
to physical modelling of drums as developed by u-he ?  How far away to
develop a full-fledged drum *instrument* free of samples, reacting to a
wide range of nuances from players ?

> pianoteq is a wonderful sounding instrument. If I was a piano player,
> or even had a piano controller (rather than a DX7), I would have it.
> It sounds way better than any sampled piano I have heard.

And the vibraphone is simply incredible.  It is also a bit heard in the
link below.

(1) For instance the solo at 2:25 and then further in:


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