[LAU] Multiple sound cards

Chris Caudle 6807.chris at pop.powweb.com
Thu Jun 10 16:15:19 CEST 2021

On Thu, June 10, 2021 6:29 am, Alf Haakon Pietruszka Lund wrote:
> Could (or should) Studio Controls start zita automatically when
> connecting more than one soundcard?

It does.

> But if so, it's not clear from the dialog whether this is done via zita
> or other measures. The manual at
> https://ovenwerks.github.io/studio-controls/extra-devices.html doesn't
> say this either,

The manual does say very explicitly.
>From the first sentence on that link you provided:

"The Extra Devices tab allows other audio devices in the system to show up
as JACK clients and be used by JACK applications. These bridges are
created using zita-ajbridge a light weight but high quality bridge. These
bridges use resampling to make sure the audio is in sync with the master
audio device. "

The package zita-ajbridge includes the individual clients zita-a2j and
zita-j2a for alsa-to-jack and jack-to-alsa bridging respectively.

Chris Caudle

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