[LAU] Piano prelude on a real grand

Jeanette C. julien at mail.upb.de
Mon Jun 21 11:06:43 CEST 2021

Hi Jostein,
first of all many thanks for the kind words!
Jun 21 2021, Jostein Chr. Andersen has written:
> I like that you also write which mics and how you used them. The Audio Line 
> Design mics are among my favorites and i have 5 of them (three CM3s an two 
> OM1s).
My friends also loves them, though I can't rightly say which ones we
had. I know there were prior experiences in a studio with a piano for my
friend. It must have been an exceedingly good experience. :)

Best wishes,


  * Website: http://juliencoder.de - for summer is a state of sound
  * Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMS4rfGrTwz8W7jhC1Jnv7g
  * Audiobombs: https://www.audiobombs.com/users/jeanette_c
  * GitHub: https://github.com/jeanette-c

I'm so curious, what do you think of me <3
(Britney Spears)

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