On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 03:37:15 +0200, Andrea Glorioso wrote:
Dear all and dear Jaromil,
>>>> "jaromil" == jaromil
<jaromil(a)dyne.org> writes:
The First European Seminar on Free Software for
Streaming over Internet
AHAHAHAHAHAHA.. ehr, ups, sorry, i'm still
laughing since i read
it i mean: european institutions are playing being prehistorical
or what? being 2004 we have had a whole lot of such seminars
allready, all over.
Actually the choice of wording for the announcement was quite
unfortunate (this was due partly to time pressure and partly to the
fact that I'm not a native english speaker). I was thinking about it
right after sending the announcement out, but I was hoping nobody
would notice the ambiguity. :)
actually it does read that way to me, the capilalisation of First links it
to the rest of the name, but maybe 1st would make it clear that it was an
ordinal, not a claim ;)
- Steve