Dear all and dear Jaromil,
>>>> "jaromil" == jaromil
<jaromil(a)> writes:
The First European Seminar on Free Software for
Streaming over Internet
AHAHAHAHAHAHA.. ehr, ups, sorry, i'm still
laughing since i read
it i mean: european institutions are playing being prehistorical
or what? being 2004 we have had a whole lot of such seminars
allready, all over.
Actually the choice of wording for the announcement was quite
unfortunate (this was due partly to time pressure and partly to the
fact that I'm not a native english speaker). I was thinking about it
right after sending the announcement out, but I was hoping nobody
would notice the ambiguity. :)
The intended meaning was that this would be the first *instance* of
FSMSI (Free Software for Multimedia Streaming over Internet). It was
not meant to say that FSMSI was the first (or the only) seminar
dealing specifically with streaming *and* Free Software. I don't know
any other european-wide seminars specifically devoted to this
combination of topics (I know about many conferences on streaming but
not specifically on Free Software, and viceversa) but this is only due
to my ignorance.
good luck Andrea, it's quite some responsability
to be there ;)
ciao (that's just inter-nos sarcasm, no polemic eh)
In this case you are quite right - our fault. I'm going to issue a
corrective statement right now; personally I am not interested in
asserting "I was there first" (I never was, in this like in other
fields of endeavour); I'd rather prefer to see good people gathering
and discussing topics I care very much for.
On a related note, I hope to see you at the seminar, if you happen to
be in Paris on June 23/24. If you want to present the LiViDo project
during this seminar, I'd be glad to give you my allotted time (since
it would just be the introduction to the overall seminar, and I think
I can reduce that to 2 minutes without people suffering too much). Of
course, LiViDo is not directly related to streaming, but since my
overall idea is to have a complete toolchain for audio/video
production, editing, transmission and playback, it would be
interesting to hear your ideas on the topic.
Oh, and thank you for the mail - I bet a pizza with a friend of mine
that you would be the first to criticize the announcement. :)
Andrea Glorioso sama(a) +39 333 820 5723
.:: Media Innovation Unit - Firenze Tecnologia ::.
Conquering the world for fun and profit