[LAU] The totally useless debate about purported 'natural' tunings [WAS]: Re: "droning" project: 249-257

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Thu Oct 1 10:47:26 UTC 2015

On Thu, 2015-10-01 at 12:16 +0200, Set Hallstrom wrote:
> Everything inside the universe, is in "harmony with the universe".

There is absolutely no harmony in reality.

Eckankar and Buddhism for example claim to know the phonetic sound of a
very special initially cosmic sound, unfortunately they use different
phonetic sounds.

Refugees escaped from unharmonious situations.

Electric power needs a difference of potentials.

Balance, harmony would be A=0Hz, OTOH our speakers burn at 0Hz, it's not
very harmonic from their point of view. A=0 Hz would mean that all other
notes are 0Hz too.

Despite of human ethics and/or emotions, chaos, inhomogeneity seems to
be what the universe is based on.

War likely is more "consistent with the universe", than peace is.


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