[Consortium] Publicity etc...

Andrea Glorioso sama at miu-ft.org
Thu Sep 16 10:35:21 EDT 2004

Dear Daniel,

thank you so much for your work - it's really appreciated.

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel James <daniel at linuxaudio.org> writes:

    > Hello all, Sorry to have gone quiet for a bit, but I've been
    > really busy with articles and publicity work related to libre
    > audio software!

    > I'm also working with Ron Parker to compile a promotional CD of
    > 'made with Linux' music. I've selected 15 tracks from over 900MB
    > of Oggs and MP3s collected from the internet, and Ron is doing
    > the mastering using Jamin at Mirror Image Studios. I hoping
    > we'll be able to get this CD distributed as a magazine coverdisc
    > by the end of this year.

Maybe you  could do a CfM  (Call for Music) on users at lists.agnula.org,
if you haven't already  - there are a number  of people there that are
doing   experimentations with  doing  music  with  GNU/Linux and  Free
Software (not necessarily with A/DeMuDi, actually :).

    > On the hardware manufacturers liaison side, I've been talking to
    > AMD on a  regular  basis, and we now  have  a  technical contact
    > there for x86_64 porting issues.  Please email me if you'd  like
    > to make contact with them.

What is the technical contact actually going to bring?  I mean, are
they willing to lend an x86_64 machine for testing or are they just
answering questions (which is actually fine, btw :) ?

Thanks again,

Andrea Glorioso             sama at miu-ft.org         +39 333 820 5723
        .:: Media Innovation Unit - Firenze Tecnologia ::.
	      Conquering the world for fun and profit

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