[Consortium] Poll for consortium members and board

Daniel James daniel at 64studio.com
Thu Feb 22 05:16:44 EST 2007

Hi Ico,

> My recent investigation on the status of the project has revealed that the
> project is in dire need of funding for the purpose of getting a new server.

I suggest you enquire with http://osuosl.org/ on behalf of the E17 team 
- as one academic to another :-)

I note that the E17 team has already raised 120% of its target:


Maybe if they used that money for the hardware, OSU OSL could provide 
rack space, electricity and/or bandwidth for the server.

> would this be something that bears relevance
> to our mission

I think so. Although none of the audio distros I'm aware of currently 
use E17 as the default desktop, it occurs to me that none of the lighter 
window managers or desktops have the corporate backing that Gnome and 
KDE have.

It would be a sad day for Linux audio if we were forced to use bloated 
desktops which were designed as direct equivalents for the proprietary 
competition. I believe many audio users have little need for 3D 
acceleration in the desktop, and the hot-running (and therefore noisy) 
hardware it can require.



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