[Consortium] Poll for consortium members and board

Ivica Ico Bukvic ico at vt.edu
Thu Feb 22 07:42:10 EST 2007

> It would be a sad day for Linux audio if we were forced to use bloated
> desktops which were designed as direct equivalents for the proprietary
> competition. I believe many audio users have little need for 3D
> acceleration in the desktop, and the hot-running (and therefore noisy)
> hardware it can require.

FWIW, I am already exploring Xgl and/or AIGLX, in part because I do like the
eye-candy, but more importantly because today I do not have to sacrifice 3D
acceleration (think: Pd + Gem) at the expense of noise. My home system as
well as studio uses 7600GS and GT cards which are fanless and without lead
(talk about health-conscious ;-). On top of that, even under current setup
which relies upon alpha/beta 3D X servers I am already enjoying the wonders
of accelerated desktop where moving a window does not cause spikes in CPU.
So, not all is bleak in the wonderland of 3D ;-)


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