[Jack-Devel] Uninstalled Pulseaudio Jack/jackd2 Jack Reinstalled still wont start.

Jörn Nettingsmeier nettings at stackingdwarves.net
Tue Mar 26 14:45:51 CET 2019

On 3/26/19 5:28 AM, liebrecht at grossmann-venter.com wrote:
> After jack is installed, I try to start it through mixbus which is about 
> the only application I found that can actually start jack. I used mixbus 
> for about 6 months with jack on another distro. qjacktcl does nothing 
> but parse irrelevance and promisses so I dont use it anymore.

That remark is bullshit and shows that you really need to change the way 
you're thinking about problem solving.

> I start mixbus from command line.
> It starts up but says it cannot find/start jack.
> The tail of the terminal output contains the jack start string (which 
> fails completely to start jack).

> JACK command line will be:  -t 200 -p 2048 -R -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 
> -p 128 -d hw:VSL,0

Simplify the problem.
First, look at aplay -L to see if hw:VSL,0 is alive and well.
Now, start jack on the command line, starting with the paramters mixbux 
helpfully suggests:

jackd -t 200 -p 2048 -R -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 128 -d hw:VSL,0

It should fail in the same way you described above. If not, there is 
something fishy in the way mixbus starts jackd.

-n2 p128 looks like a pretty aggressive timing for a multichannel 
interface. Try -n3 for a start, and -p1024, then gradually lower the 
latency, but only if you really need it.

Jörn Nettingsmeier
Tuinbouwstraat 180, 1097 ZB Amsterdam, Nederland
Tel. +49 177 7937487

Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio), Tonmeister VDT

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