[LAD] Fwd: Qtest Mobile App Port Contest for Qt and KDE applications

Rui Nuno Capela rncbc at rncbc.org
Sat Dec 25 22:59:47 UTC 2010

On 12/25/2010 08:02 PM, Niels Mayer wrote:
> http://qmidictl.sourceforge.net

this one was made specifically to target the n900, so chalk this one done.

> http://qmidinet.sourceforge.net

this one doesn't make great sense because it was in fact designed as the
complementary of the previous one, that is, to sit on the *immobilized*
end of the concept :)

> http://qjackctl.sourceforge.net/

i have this suspicion that the indamixx2 team has this one already
slated on their meego tablet but... to be honest again, it doesn't make
any great sense in making to the n900, not until jack gets its flag
raised there. quite frankly, i don't think i will see that happen before
(any of) the contest deadlines ;)

thanks for asking && happy holidays

no doubt the 2nd decade of the new century is just waiting its turn
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
rncbc at rncbc.org

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