[LAD] Is there an LV2 plugin that can add echo like echo added by large cathedrals?
David Robillard
d at drobilla.net
Thu Apr 8 23:20:41 CEST 2021
On Wed, 2021-04-07 at 13:09 +0200, Jacek Konieczny wrote:
> You are looking for impulse response (IR) / convolution plugins.
> Some of such plugins:
> KlangFalter from DISTRHO Ports:
> https://distrho.sourceforge.io/ports.php/
> https://github.com/DISTRHO/DISTRHO-Ports
> Convolver reverb plugins shipped with Guitarix:
> https://guitarix.org/
> IR.lv2:
> https://github.com/Anchakor/ir.lv2
> and probably many more.
> The impulse response files (the echo/reverb recorded) can also be
> found
> online free and paid. Some may be shipped with the plugins (Guitarix
> comes with 'greathall.wav' file).
A few more are mentioned here:
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