[LAT] 2.6 stable
Free Ekanayaka
free at 64studio.com
Sun Aug 24 03:36:41 EDT 2008
|--==> On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 13:20:28 +0200, Robin Gareus <robin at gareus.org> said:
RG> aymeric mansoux wrote:
>>Daniel James said :
>>>>Are there intention for a [regular] /meeting/ (IRC)?
>>>I don't think we need that yet, unless a formal team is organised. I
>>>could be wrong about that though ;-)
>>I agree, let's start it slowly and see how it goes.
>>Concerning the directory structure, we use that for p:d:
RG> I like that trac ;)
Me too, and it now has git support in case we decided to go for it on
LAO :)
>>a rather simple
>>kernel version
>>`- config
>>`- patches
>>maybe good enough for now?
RG> yes, then this will become a /project/ by itself (not related to
RG> kernel-git) and we may want add one folder depth:
RG> eg. 2.6.26 -> -> config & patches
That's a good idea IMO.
And I was say also arch-specific configs and patches:
>>in terms of who is pushing what to who, I would not mind dropping the
>>kernel folder we have on our SVN and only work from one type of repos.
>>So, that means we would push stuff directly to the/a LAT git.
>>It doesn't make much sense to maintain 2 different type of repos for
>>that (SVN and git). What do you think Karsten? It's gonna be a pain to
>>move data from p:d SVN to a LAT git and back everytime we have a new
>>config commited I think.
RG> git can import export from/to svn. It's actually very easy to use both
RG> in parallel.
RG> If you get the upstream kernel via git; you can get a /tagged vanilla/
RG> and configure some /git-remotes/ to just pull in patches from
RG> linuxaudio.org or wherever. - if
RG> http://www.google.com/search?q=git+kernel+howto is not enough, we can
RG> collect some /quick-start/ git command-lines on the wiki.
RG> I'm running a trac with git backend elsewhere; and may just replicate
RG> that on linuxaudio.org. We're not actively fixing bugs, but the
RG> ticketing system may come in handy for quality control. - Well there's
RG> also mantis, flyspray, etc. and *this* mailing list.. We'll also need
RG> to think how to share content and accounts for these services.
RG> (personally I'm pushing openID, oAuth, SSH-KEYs; and WikiRPCInterface2 )
>>If we need non LAT generic config, we can always have distro
>>specific config files in another LAT git or in a subfolder, etc ...
>>We might have to experiment for a little while anyway, until we have
>>some workflow and structure that everyone is happy with :)
I do agree, many things will become clearer on the way.
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