[linux-audio-user] keeping alsa stable
Laura Conrad
lconrad at laymusic.org
Wed Jan 4 19:46:09 EST 2006
>>>>> "AAJ" == Atte André Jensen <atte.jensen at gmail.com> writes:
AAJ> Now what I'd like to know is how much of alsa is updated through
AAJ> apt-get update from unstable? And how key are these parts to my simple
AAJ> setup? Are there ways to keep the system more stable than what I have?
Nothing is changed by "apt-get update" except the list of things that
can be installed by "apt-get ...". You probably meant to say "apt-get
upgrade". I solve the problem of not having that break things by
never running it at all.
What I do instead is I have a script that runs "apt-get update", and
then "apt-get install" for a list of things that I want to keep
up-to-date on. Which does actually include alsa in my case, since I'm
having problems that i hope someone might fix some day.
Another piece of my system is that I read the Debian Weekly News and
when they have a security update to something I use, I add that to the
list of things that get installed after an update.
If you really need to not have something updated, you should pin it.
For instance, at the moment, I can't upgrade tetex, because it would
break the version of lilypond I run, so I have a file
/etc/apt/preferences which contains the lines:
Package: tetex-base
Pin: version 2.0.2*
Pin-Priority: 1001
Laura (mailto:lconrad at laymusic.org , http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097 fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139
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