[LAU] Ingen controllers?

Gabriel M. Beddingfield gabrbedd at gmail.com
Sat Apr 24 19:20:06 UTC 2010

Hi Alexandros,

On Sat, 24 Apr 2010, Alexandros Diamantidis wrote:

> I'm trying to control plugins in ingen using a Korg Nanokontrol, and I
> think I'm missing something.
> For starters, I tried a simple amplifier. So, I added a controller and
> connected its output to the amplifier's gain. Moving a slider, I see the
> "Controller" display change from 0 to 127. The other controls are set

When you say "moving a slider" -- is this a slider on the 
Nanokontrol or in the GUI?  If NanoK, how did you set up the 
MIDI with Ingen?

Also... which amplifier plugin did you use?  Did you try a 
different one?

> to: Logarithmic: off, Minimum: 0.0, Maximum: 1.0. At first I though
> nothing was happening, but then I noticed that when the slider is moved
> all the way down (actually, to 2), the amplifier's gain is set to 0.0157
> and then stays there. Can anyone explain what's going on?

Well, 2.0/127.0 = 0.0157... so that part makes sense.  (Fyi, 
this is -18 dB.)

Not sure why it stays there.  Your chain (I think) is NanoK 
-> MIDI -> Ingen -> Plugin.  Need to figure out where in the 
chain the message is getting dropped.


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