[LAU] browsing large sample collections

Brent Busby brent at keycorner.org
Mon Nov 7 00:06:41 UTC 2011

On Sun, 6 Nov 2011, Renato wrote:

> that works quite good for my small sample collection. I also have 
> associated .wav files with mhwaveedit, which is really nice for fast 
> operations (trimming, normalizing, fading). BTW to do that in mc you 
> should edit the extension file (Command->Edit extension file)
> But samplecat looks definitely neater!

Yeah, SampleCat does look like what I'm looking for.  I did think about 
Midnight Commander, but what I didn't like about that was that it 
doesn't actually understand the content itself.  I'd like something 
truly like GQview, but for audio -- it knows what it's browsing, and it 
gives you options to internally audition and manage on disk.  Samplecat 
seems to do that, including even the ability to keep track of stuff on 
removable media that's not mounted.

What launched all of this is my growing archive of drum machine samples 
from various vintage beatboxes.  It's getting to the point where even I 
don't know what I've got anymore, and I'm pretty sure a lot of it's 
useless and could be deleted.

+ Brent A. Busby	 +
+ Sr. UNIX Systems Admin +	Vote for Cthulhu.
+ University of Chicago	 +
+ James Franck Institute +	Why settle for the lesser evil?

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