[LAU] New Avantgarde Music - or just more Prog?

Julien Claassen julien at mail.upb.de
Sun Nov 20 22:31:37 UTC 2011

Hello everyone!
   I've just completed my latest piece and it has reached its intended 
audience, so I'm ready to post it here. It's called Raw Magic:
   And you can find lyrics here:
   Or of course visit the music page at:
   This time I'd like to utter my heartfelt thanks to Joy Bausch, for guitars. 
A nice job! I'd like to thank S. Massy, Gabbe Nord and the mysterious Mr. 
Bennett for being my second pair (and third and fourth :-) - though not 
necessarily in that order) of ears. Without you I'd still suffer from some of 
my mixing difficulties. And I'd like to thank Silvia.
   The beginning of that song the first four notes or so came to me in a small 
bar in Paris almost two months ago now. I thought of some more notes there, 
but they didn't sound right. :-) The other main idea followed later that day, 
after having attended a concert by Goran Bregovic. So this piece again 
stretches the boundaries of my usual influences. You'll find some light asian 
influence, the balkaniser, simple piano music, light jazz, metal, glam-rock, 
synth-pop and a bit of the good old prog all bundled into this. And it's not 
because I didn't know, whereelse to put them. It's actually a study of some 
rather personal experiences, seeing them from very different angles. I hope I 
succeeded. :-)
   I know, that my singing leaves somethig to be desired (better intonation for 
a start :-) ), but I suspect, that it could have been worse.
   As ever any feedback is welcome and a beer to those, who find the fun and 
games in the lyrics. :-)
   Kindest regards

Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
Free And Jubilating Amazement Revels, Dancing On - FLOWERS!

======      Find my music at      ======
"If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day,
so I never have to live without you." (Winnie the Pooh)

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