[LAU] ShowQ - "a QLAB for Linux"

Neil C Smith neilcsmith.net at googlemail.com
Mon May 18 12:58:35 UTC 2015


Apologies for tardy response - handling aftermath of a hard drive failure. :-\

On 14 May 2015 at 21:37, Michael Jarosch <riotsound at riotmusic.de> wrote:
> Looks great! I haven't done much video in my projects, yet, and -
> speaking about (jack-)audio - I don't know if Praxis LIVE would fill the
> gap,

Praxis LIVE's audio pipeline has JACK support through JNAJack (which
was originally written for it).  There are a couple of things to bear
in mind though -

1. Praxis LIVE is Java-based which *may* have an impact on latency (see 2)
2. It's not currently possible to play the audio from a video track.
This is somewhat complicated by Praxis LIVE's distributed
architecture, and the fact that audio and video may be in different
processes or even running on different machines.  Incidentally, one
use for running audio in a separate process is reducing
garbage-collection effects and improving latency.

> By the way: Does Praxis LIVE feature projection mapping? It's just
> because you mentioned Isadora...

Not like Isadora v2 does.  However, the recently released Praxis LIVE
v2 does have full access to the 3D capabilities of the underlying
Processing renderer.  Coupled with the new custom code infrastructure
and the ability to (re)write components on-the-fly this gives lots of
possibilities for projection mapping and 3D transforms.

There's a simple 3D quad transform component in the custom component
repository already - https://github.com/praxis-live/pxg  Expect to see
more in the near future.

There's a blog post on turning a Processing sketch into a Praxis LIVE
component (here rendering a video onto a cylinder) -

Also coming soon is wrapping Processing's OBJ file loader.

Bringing this vaguely back on-topic for this list - one of the reasons
I haven't announced Praxis LIVE v2 here yet is I'm still finalising
live code rewriting for audio components.

Best wishes,


Neil C Smith
Artist : Technologist : Adviser

Praxis LIVE - hybrid visual IDE for live creative coding - www.praxislive.org
Digital Prisoners - interactive spaces and projections -

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