[LAU] [music] change ()re-recording my 17-year-old self)

Will Godfrey willgodfrey at musically.me.uk
Mon Mar 8 10:36:27 CET 2021

On Sun, 7 Mar 2021 21:33:51 +0100 (CET)
"Jeanette C." <julien at mail.upb.de> wrote:

>Hey hey,
>I did write and record change when I was about 17 or 18 and wanted to 
>re-record it for a while now:
>And for OGG download:
>The lyrics had to be rewritten entirely, though kept in the same style, 
>register and intention of the original. The main sound was a Roland JV_1080 
>patch called Raggatronic. I still have that patch, but in this recording I 
>used a copy I made on another virtual analogue synth.
>Another change is the Yoshimi choir, which I certainly didn't have. It used to 
>be another Roland sound from an expansion board, which I don't have. I first 
>though of mixing other choir sounds on that module, but then layered the 
>Yoshimi choir with another hardware instrument. It's a beautiful synth choir, 
>with or without the other hardware layer! Thanks Will!
>Best wishes,
Well, I finally managed to gather up enough 'spare' microseconds for a listen
to this :P
Very interesting song, and the style retains a youthful flavour. Lots of detail
in there too.

Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.

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