[LAU] 'pw-cli dump' no longer available?

Marc Joliet marcec at gmx.de
Fri Oct 14 15:06:04 CEST 2022

Am Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2022, 05:00:14 CEST schrieb Jonathan E. Brickman:
> 'pw-cli dump short link' was very handy, permitted build of a simple CLI
> patch manager for Pipewire (see
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PipeWire#PipeWire_patch_sets_for_command_li
> ne). The 'dump' command appears to have been deleted.  Anyone have a good
> replacement, something which will generate a simple text list of
> Pipewire links with both sides?  'pw-link -l' prints a list, but it's
> not simple to parse...at least not for me :-)
> Related: I keep trying to save patch sets in qpwgraph, but it only saves
> one wire, out of dozens.  Activated on, Exclusive tested on and off.
> Clues, anyone?

Perhaps you've already found out for yourself, but the changelog (https://
gitlab.freedesktop.org/pipewire/pipewire/-/releases) mentions the following:

  "Remove the pw-cli dump command. It is mostly implemented as part of
wpctl status, pw-dump, pw-link, pw-top and others."

Perhaps one, or a combination, of the above will suffice as a replacement?

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup
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