Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: af6aa1c03bad837c366dcb603b6d922a07c52814…
Author: David Carlier <devnexen(a)>
Date: 2016-05-15 (Sun, 15 May 2016)
Changed paths:
M drivers/
M drivers/dummy/dummy_driver.c
A drivers/sndio/
A drivers/sndio/sndio_driver.c
A drivers/sndio/sndio_driver.h
M jackd/
M jackd/controlapi.c
M jackd/engine.c
M jackd/
M jackd/jackd.c
Log Message:
OpenBSD compilable :
- md5sum is not available.
- adding sndio support from Jacob Meuser <jakemsr(a)>.
- various patches from ajacoutot@, jasper@ and sthen@
Commit: 7695d4e287234056252cc39cc2d3fa697a6fd0a6…
Author: Paul Davis <paul(a)>
Date: 2016-09-14 (Wed, 14 Sep 2016)
Changed paths:
M drivers/
M drivers/dummy/dummy_driver.c
A drivers/sndio/
A drivers/sndio/sndio_driver.c
A drivers/sndio/sndio_driver.h
M jackd/
M jackd/controlapi.c
M jackd/engine.c
M jackd/
M jackd/jackd.c
Log Message:
Merge pull request #43 from devnexen/master
OpenBSD compilable :
Back in January/February at the start of this year, Paul announced that
he would be stepping down, and he requested that someone would stand for
being the new maintainer.
As far as I know, this didn't happen, up until Filipe Coelho(?) offered
to maintain JACK1. After speaking with Paul around March, he said that
once Ardour 5.0 was released he would do the final release of JACK1 and
then hand over maintainership.
There are a few pull requests on the GitHub, some of which are critical
to the core functionality of JACK1, like the patch for OSX which begins
to modernise JACK1's usages of the CoreAudio APIs (while still
maintaining backward compatibility).
I'd like to help the JACK community in getting OSX support
up-to-scratch. There is a promising project called CaptainJack
( which aims to be a modern
replacement for JackOSX, which is a vital part of the JACK ecosystem
within OSX. While it is just a start, it shows there is at least some
My question to the community is: Should an effort be put in to revive JACK1?
And to Paul; I know it's only been a little over a month since 5.0 was
released, but is it possible you could do this 'final release' of JACK1
soon so we can get the ball rolling again, or at least give some sort of
time-frame on when this can be achieved.
I personally think there should be an effort, the main issue at this
time is how the clients are sorted, and there is a patch for this. I
would be willing to step forward to fix all the issues related to OSX,
and reattempt integration of Fons' topological sort patch. In addition
to this, JACK1 is a good code-base, albeit slightly outdated, which
makes a great reference implementation for JACK3.
I found some extremely useful stuff and it was a real discovery for me, just give it a try! You may find more information here <>