Hi all,
The build of qjackctl included with jackdmp for windows is getting really
The biggest problem is that the default "startup time" is set too low,
making it
seem like "jack crashes". (I"ve got many complains that "jack crashes").
Another problem is that you manually have to append "-S" to the "Server
So here:
...I've cloned the official qjackctl repository, fixed these two problems,
and added some files to make it straight forward to build qjackctl under
(Building is just running the "build_mingw32.sh" script)
Windows binary: http://folk.uio.no/~ksvalast/qjackctl.zip
Perhaps this build, or something similar, can be included in the next
release of jack for windows?
I was wondering, seeing as the latest distributed compiled package (on http://jackaudio.org/downloads/) for osx is version 0.90, and it is stated as beeing for Snow Leopard ; was wondering if i should try to compile it myself from the 1.9.10 tarball (or even the git repos ?) ; because i'm not very knowledgeable in coding so i'm afraid i have no idea how to compile it. Opening the xcode project in the git repo, then trying to compile it ; leads very fast to a critical " 'aften/aften.h' file not found" error ; and i don't see a "aften" file in the distribution.
In short, i do'nt know how stable is the 1.9.10 or Github version, but i'm not sure it is very wise either to use the maybe outdated 0.9 ? but for now, i don't know how i could do else...
Thanks in advance,
I just wanted to report that the website is available under both
http://www.jackaudio.org and http://jackaudio.org. This is not good
practice, it can be identified as duplicate content, it should be
considered having the www. version redirect to the naked one, or vice versa.
[repost from LAD, forgot jack-devel in the list of recipients]
Alexander Carot contacted me to spread the news:
Starting in April 2016, three research assistant positions (PhD
candidates welcome) will be available within the Soundjack project. If
interested, please contact Prof. Carôt (a.carot(a)inf.hs-anhalt.de).
(copy-pasted from <http://www.soundjack.eu/jobs.html>)
I've been told one is TV-L13, the other is 75% and the third is 50%
(money equivalent can be found here [0])
The project will be about making music in a distributed environment,
contract will last three years (no idea if extendible).
Working from home is negotiable and even considered part of the project.
Candidates are expected to speak English, German is explicitly NOT
Feel free to forward to interested parties.
On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Fons Adriaensen <fons(a)linuxaudio.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 12:31:13PM -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
>> Indeed. I'm out for 2 weeks on vacation with only intermittent network
>> access. Back next week. A pull request or a straightforward patch
>> would make the next step much easier, but i'll deal with it one way or
>> another.
> OK, enjoy the off-line time :-) I'll be doing the same from next friday
> until 17 september (Greece, diving).
> I'll send you the output of git diff and the modified files, along with
> some notes on how things are supposed to work. There are some open
> questions that only someone very familiar with the code can resolve.
Please send that diff.
Hi all.
After upgrading to fc22 during summer, I'm having issues with 32bit jack
clients running in my 64bit jackd.
I'd be thankful for any clues to what's going on, and ways to debug
this. And if others would care to check, and confirm/disprove the same
behavior, please tell me what you get.
Here's what happens:
The 32bit clients connect well, but the callbacks never seem to return,
making jackd send out a steady stream of xruns and errors:
JackEngine::XRun: client = simple_client was not finished, state = Triggered
I'm checking with jack2 installed (jack-1.9.10), with .i686 and .x86_64
versions installed using the standard fedora packages.
The same 32bit clients work well in fc21, fc20, and ubuntu 14.04 (in a
vm on the same hardware). Afaik, nothing has changed vs. the -mixed
flag in jackd, and would expect 32bit clients to run well inside a 64bit
Checking with example-clients/simple-client.c from the jack sources:
$ gcc -m32 -g -O -lm -ljack simple_client.c -o simple_client
$ ./simple_client
- results in the noted behavior. Without -m32 everything's fine.