Hi list,
(Sorry this question has already been discussed but the search function in the archive of the list does not work)
Is anyone working on the problem of getting Jack up and running on MacOS again? I installed Jack with brew but I get these “could not handle external client request” errors which seems to be old problems from looking at search results and GitHub discussions - problems introduced when MacOS audio architecture was changed a while back. Is there any progress on these matters? Is someone working on it? I need Jack as it is a dependency to another library I would like to use but I realize that I might have to abandon MacOS as a platform in the process.
Kindest regards,
Hi *,
I am programming on an experimental Jack backend for AVB.
I have a single source/header file but I need to link against a C
library as well.
How would I integrate the backend with the waf script?
Hi all,
since I only need one microphone when recording I am happy with my
Focusrite Scarlett 2i4. I use the 2i4 for recording and direct
monitoring with the line outputs feeding a headphones amp. I use the
builtin headphones amp as well, both when recording and for mixing.
So far, so good.
Then I wanted 2 additional outputs to feed my active speakers (Neumann
KH120A plus KH805 sub). Because of my room's damping of the high
frequencies (at least compared to my headphones AKG K812) I need an EQ
before them. So I use a Scarlett 2i2 for this purpose, with CALF
Jackhost and a Calf EQ feeding this outputs.
Now I have 2 audio interfaces that can't be synchronized with a
wordclock cable. So I have to drive the 2i2 for the speakers in an async
way. Since I use this output only for mixing/mastering I can live with
some additional latency.
I tried several ways to use the 2nd interface:
- alsa_out
- zita_j2a
- audioadapter (jack_load -i "-dhw:2 -q0 -n2 -p128 -r48000" 2i2 audioadapter)
The audioadapter is the most robust solution and doesn't crash when I
resize jackd's bufsize on the fly, so I'd like to stay with it.
As I played around with the quality setting (-q0 ... -q4) I noticed an
enormous CPU load with -q4 (sinc) but couldn't hear any differences in
audio quality. -q0 sounds as good as -q4.
Now my question:
When the audioadapter has to resample to the same frequency (from 48000
to 48000), do higher -q settings improve the audio quality? As I
understand there is no interpolation needed at all so -q0 would be
enough to have a perfect audio quality.
Any comments/ideas to this?
Hi all,
I have several Focusrite Scarlett USB interfaces:
- Solo
- 2i2
- 2i4
They work out of the box but I noticed some flaw in either their
firmware or ALSA or jackd:
- with 48000 I can use much lower buffer sizes (down to 32) as with
44100 (at least 96)
- with 44100 I have some slight clicks, about one per minute, sometimes
less. Those clicks sound as if an electrical device (refrigerator,
lights) was switched on.
- with 48000 I have no such clicks.
Has anyone made the same experiences? With Scarletts? With other
USB-Interfaces? Is jackd or ALSA optimized for multiples of 48000
instead of 44100?
Perhaps a newbie question, but the available information is somewhat
contradictory. I'm under the impression that the Jack server on Windows
only works with ASIO devices, along the lines of:
jackd -R -S -d portaudio -d "ASIO::<device name here>"
Is it possible to instead use a DirectSound device? Documentation
indicates that it should be, but on my machine any variation like this
jackd -R -S -d portaudio -d "DirectSound::<device name here>"
Am I missing something, or is it in fact not currently possible to to
connect to a directsound device?
Hi guys and thx for reading!
I can't use my rme babyface pro with jack to route audio form cubase 9.5 pro
to harrison mixbus32c v4 :-(
Jack works with the asio4all v2, but if I setting "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Jack\jackd.exe" -R -S -d portaudio -d "ASIO::ASIO Fireface USB" in
jackd proprieties and ASIO::ASIO Fireface USB as interface in jack audio
connecting kit settings nothing hapens :-(
0 signal in cubase! The meters don't move as I setted no driver in cubase.
Any tips? where did I wrong? Help please!!!!
ps. I tried to use asio4all as driver for jack setting ASIO::ASIO Fireface
USB as interface in jack audio connecting kit settings and the sound
appeared! But it glitch a lot... heeeeeelp T_T
thx guys and sorry for my english!
Sent from: http://jack-audio.10948.n7.nabble.com/Jackit-f3.html