A server solves this problem by keeping jack as a seperate process that is
not dependant on any other process to keep it alive.
Can you expand on how you would solve this with library instead of a server?
Yes, that's an interesting programming challenge. It's probably very hard
to make this work decently, but the thing is that if you want to run several
clients at the same time, you will still have the option of starting a "main
first, same way as you run jackd now. What I was replying to in this thread,
was if you want run a DAW, you very often only want to run one client, and
then you don't need to start jackd and qjackctl.
Before this discussion becomes too crazy… (like : "let's redesign JACK yet
again… but without anyone to ever implement this new/better/fabulous new stuff….) Kjetil
I would suggest you read this old paper (2009) on JACK2 design, that answers some of your
questions :
Then I guess the discussion could move on what can be done on a more general level : how
to keep JACK1 code base alive ? should we redirect the few developer resource to at least
maintain JACK2 code base on Linux, OSX, Windows? This kind of questions.