On 2017-08-25 21:42, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
I'm a musician and jackd user and as much likely
most users, I don't
experience what you describe as "a major problem with Jack".
I don't claim that there are no issues and perhaps somebody could fix
the issue you experience, I only tried to encourage you to target that
the issue not necessarily most be related to a weakness of jackd, there
might be other sources of error.
Troubleshooting instead of guessing and opinions might be more promising
Well, I'm no musician. I'm a software engineer. And while I definitely
don't want to drag this into ad hominem territory, allow me to outline
what is perhaps a difference in approach.
For a software engineer, when a problem is encountered, the focus is
*not* an troubleshooting and making things work again. The focus is on
understanding the problem as comprehensively as possible. Only then,
when you have as clear a picture as you can, or are willing to, get, do
you weigh costs and benefits.
Just because a software isn't perfect doesn't mean it's to blame. Almost
always, software isn't perfect, and can be improved. Whether it can or
should be improved is another matter; sometimes -- indeed, always, if
you just crank the scope up enough -- it's not "worth" putting the
energy into the software to make it handle a certain situation. But
sometimes it is. For purely subjective values of "worth", of course.
The point is that first comes understanding, and only then decision on
whether to change or adapt. Troubleshooting and jury-rigging is easy.
Putting in effort so that you don't have to jury-rig, is art.