Hi there,
That is a good start, however I found that if I reduce to say 4 ports,
it still requests about 13MB ... the free space on this embedded system
is about half that ! My understanding is that shm is trying to lock down
enough memory for now and the future ... however it may be excessive ?!?
If you consider that @ 48kHz, 6ms latency, we are talking about
kilobytes of audio data - maximum !
So conceivably, we should be able to operate with limited memory
resources of megabytes, rather then tens of megabytes.
I understand that the bigger concept is to keep as much in memory to
avoid future paging ... still searching ...
On 19/07/15 19:50, Hanspeter Portner wrote:
I had the same issue a while back. I think that I got
away by reducing
the maximal
amount of ports.
man jackd (jack1)
-p, --port-max n
Set the maximum number of ports the JACK server can
manage. The
default value is 256.
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