30 mars 2019 kl. 04:45 skrev
So Jack routes from Alsa and Alsa handles the USB 1818VSl directly.
If I plug out the 1818vsl (my main sound card) usb plug, then jack disconnects although
it is not directly handling the usb device but alsa is.
Well, if the sound card disappears, Jack has nothing to keep connections to, so that is
not unexpected.
If I reconnect jack does not reconnect, so I have to
go then through my startup script and restart jack after which it all works again.
Is there a daemon available that monitors the usb device 1818vsl in my case and then
reconnects if the device is unplugged and replugged ?
There is the udev daemon that could be useful, perhaps?
Some inspiration could be found here, maybe:
If not, I will have to write such daemon for my own
purposes and it is no sweat doing it, but just wondered if I am maybe missing that
someone already done it as it is a blatantly obvious missing piece. I ask as I dont want
to reinvent the wheel if it already exists.
I understand you avoid qjackctl, otherwise you could perhaps use it to save your patching
and recall it when the card is reconnected. Maybe using udev and jack_plumbing you could
achieve something similar?
I am by no means a jack expert so please don’t take my word for this being a good
solution. Just some ideas off the top of my head.
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