Am Mittwoch, 15. November 2017, 15:33:29 CET schrieb Xavier Mendez:
(shameless self-citation) I made jack_lsync that does
this, both
jack_lset and jack_lsync can be found in: Excellent, I was just
starting to implement a similar tool myself, you saved
me a lot of work! Dropping in two instances of your client in the capture and
playback path precisely aligns the round-trip pulses in my Ardour test setup
(even in the pathological case that both signals are recorded into the same
I vote for adding these tools to the Jack example clients. What do you think
about this?
BTW, one question regarding the "coefficient" parameter: I thought this should
always be "1" (align to maximum latency), but didn't notice any difference
when leaving its default value 0.5 (align to center), both variants gave
correct results. How does this coefficient affect the behaviour of your client?
Thanks & kind regards,