On Fri, Aug 09, 2019 at 10:41:01AM -0500, Chris Caudle
> My personal opinion is that based on historical patterns, just
> recommending some threads be moved to linux-audio-users would probably be
> better
And the example of linux-audio-users and linux-audio-dev shows that most
people aren't able to post their questions to the correct group there
either. ;-/
Am 09.08.19 um 18:02 schrieb John Rigg:
jackaudio.org web site does mention the
linux-audio-user list, but maybe it could be made clearer
there that LAU is more appropriate than jack-devel for
general user questions.
The source of the
jackaudio.org content is on Github, so it's easy to
make PR with a better wording:
I'm not sure who's responsible for merging it and updating the site
then, though.