Thanks for your kind help Ralph, I appreciate it.
I reinstalled qjackctl, Configured it in the setup to use VSL (the
Run start and it starts.
Here is the output.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
self-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self connect requests"
01:44:00.249 JACK was started with PID=18192.
Acquire audio card Audio1
creating alsa driver ...
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 256 frames (5.8 ms), buffer = 2
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
port created: Midi-Through:midi/playback_1
port created: Midi-Through:midi/capture_1
port created: AudioBox-1818-VSL:midi/playback_1
port created: AudioBox-1818-VSL:midi/capture_1
port created: USB-Uno-MIDI-Interface:midi/playback_1
port created: USB-Uno-MIDI-Interface:midi/capture_1
port created: MidiSport-1x1:midi/playback_1
port created: MidiSport-1x1:midi/capture_1
port created: rosegarden:midi/capture_1
port created: rosegarden:midi/playback_2
port created: rosegarden:midi/playback_3
port created: rosegarden:midi/capture_3
port created: rosegarden:midi/playback_4
01:44:00.349 ALSA connection graph change.
01:44:02.472 JACK connection change.
01:44:02.475 Server configuration saved to "/home/johhnycrash/.jackdrc".
01:44:02.476 Statistics reset.
01:44:02.485 Client activated.
01:44:02.486 Patchbay deactivated.
01:44:02.487 Post-startup script...
01:44:02.488 /usr/bin/pajackconnect start && a2jmidid -e &
01:44:02.574 JACK connection graph change.
sh: 1: /usr/bin/pajackconnect: not found
01:44:02.893 Post-startup script terminated successfully.
With jack started with qjackctl, Mixbus fails unfortunately the same way
as before.
[ERROR]: JACK: Cannot callback the server in notification thread!
[ERROR]: JACK: Cannot callback the server in notification thread!
[ERROR]: JACK: Cannot callback the server in notification thread!
[ERROR]: JACK: Cannot callback the server in notification thread!
[ERROR]: JACK: Cannot callback the server in notification thread!
[ERROR]: JACK: Cannot callback the server in notification thread!
[ERROR]: JACK: Cannot callback the server in notification thread!
Mixbus sends its own start string with jack, so I expect it will fail
since if jack works correctly, then mixbus always starts it without any
help from qjackctl as I found.
On 2019-03-26 01:40, Holger Marzen wrote:
Don't have jackd started by other applications. It
then needs a correct
Start jackd before other applications, either manually or with
Then post the error message here.
Be sure to have your user added in the group "audio".