On Fri, 14 Jul 2017 18:35:53 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Let alone that in the past we seemingly noticed that I
was the most
nitpicking person regarding MIDI jitter ;)
IOW I did much research trying to solve this issue and never heard of
JamRouter before, but Stéphane gave me the pointer to jack2's
-Xalsarawmidi years ago, a long time before jack1 provided something
similar, too.
IMO phasex is one of the best sounding virtual synth
available for
Linux, but it was provided for a very long time with a 0 Hz bug ;).
DC offsets aren't fun. It wasn't a minor bug.
That's one reason why I'm sceptic regarding claims about sample
accuracy, but the main reason still is related to the issues regarding
hardware and the required good luck.
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