On Sun, 31 May 2015 20:52:33 +0200 (CEST), Holger Marzen wrote:
My audio interface has no hardware mixer, so I asked
for such a
feature. I'd appreciate a "master volume" in jackd, but no developer
wants jackd to deal with that.
good news that you are able to solve the issue.
Btw. from my user's point of view I don't want that Jack provides a
mixer. Jack is an "advanced patchbay" and that IMO is all Jack
should be. For averaged desktop usage there are other sound servers
available. If Jack would provide features such as a mixer, there would
be two serious risks. 1. Since Jack is a kind of core component for
audio production, a feature as a mixer could become a problem,
because the more code, more bugs. 2. A user want's to feel
certain that connections done by the "patchbay" simply work without the
need to care about patchbay mixer controls. The chain of the used
equipment usually provides already too much level controls.