On Sat, 23 Mar 2019 08:52:57 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Sat, 23 Mar 2019 08:26:45 +0100, Bengt Gördén
a while back I wrote a script to download the Ubuntu flavours that were
available that time and to automatically check the downloaded ISO
against the signed checksum. It still works.
Save the script, then make it executable by
cd /location/where/the/script/is/stored
chown username:username luamd64_1610.sh
(usually running chown 1000:1000 luamd64_1610.sh should do the job,
My apologies,
I'm still half asleep :D, it's early in the morning. To make it
executable run
chmod a+x luamd64_1610.sh