On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 08:02:29PM -0400, Tim wrote:
2) Refer to Fons' comments, if I may paraphrase,
signal levels
are best adjusted at the source if possible at an A/D converter,
not somewhere down the digital line. Adjusting down the line
introduces some digital error.
That is NOT what I said, there is nothing wrong with a gain
control in the digital domain. My argument is that having a
gain control in *every connection* makes it very difficult
to ensure that any non-trival system will have a sane level
To that second point I would like to mention something
I've been...
musing about:
It would cool if Jack optionally delivered the pure unadulterated
integer values from the various converters and drivers.
Be this awesome super router, AND do integer values
just like ALSA.
Yes, I know there are problems, formats etc. but surely we could
come up with a system. Although, if you ask for an unavailable
format it means Jack would have to convert, but not expensive is it?
I am under the impression that one of the benefits of using say
Ardour with ALSA instead of Jack is that it might allow
working with the pure integer wave recordings for example.
There is no benefit. The FP format Jack uses is at least as
precise as 24-bit integer. And consider that even if you have
a 24-bit (or more) converter, at most 20 or 21 bits are actually
valid, the rest is noise. There is nothing 'pure' about the
integer values. You can easily test this: use two channels
to convert the same analog input signal, and compare
the digitial values. You may be surprised.