Am Montag, 04. März 2019 11:43 CET, lunatikos <lunatao(a)> schrieb:
hi, Jonathan, i tried this but wont work :
" configure qjackctl to run the following command after startup. Copy it
into "Setup..." > "Options" > "Execute script after
pactl set-default-sink jack_out
yes i need saffire plays all sound from system, clementine, games, and
bitwig daw.
how i do ?
IMHO the "easiest" way to get Jackd and PA to cooperate is to install Cadence,
configure Jackd
with Cadence and use Cadence to start the PA<->Jack bridge (you can configure it to
bring up
the brige at startup). Cadence also alows you to bridge Alsa to JAckd - very convenient.
Cheers, RalfD