Hi David,
it appears that due to the nature of ubuntu* distros, I have given up the
notion of starting my audio application from within rc.local - I had
problems with alsa_(in|out) not being able to grab the soundcards in my
it was suggested that I do it from my desktop environments autostart
features, but these are executed when I log in, whereas I want audio to
start up sometime during the boot process (as my user) but before I log in.
basically the idea is
-I press "power ON" button on the pc
-wait for pc to boot
-audio works through this pc
It is an audio routing workstation (and jack client) so it should normally
get audio from the jack master, do some processing and spit audio from the
soundcard i/o.
so starting everything as root with a proper init script is not in the
direction. but it appears "application autostart" is not effective either.
On Sat, Apr 18, 2015 at 1:58 PM, David Nielson <david(a)naptastic.com> wrote:
Really, the right thing to do here is to set JACK up
as a system
service, with an init script, or whatever the systemd equivalent is, if
you're running systemd.
What you're using now is not actually an init script, if you have to
call it from rc.local. Init scripts go in /etc/init.d, follow specific
conventions, and are symlinked into various targets so they run only in
the appropriate run levels.
Here's a decent primer:
David Nielson
On 04/18/2015 05:34 AM, Athanasios Silis wrote:
Hi Len,
unfortunately the .desktop file is not good for me.
it is only run after I have logged in, whereas I want my script to be
started as me, but before I log in.
Is there a way to achieve that, without resorting to autologin ?
On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 4:10 PM, Len Ovens <len(a)ovenwerks.net
<mailto:len@ovenwerks.net>> wrote:
On Fri, 17 Apr 2015, Athanasios Silis wrote:
Hi all,
I am trying to run jackd instance from /etc/rc.local (along with
a few other
applications) from a custom made init script.
The system is ubuntustudio and I have setup everything to have
permissions when executing applications from the @audio group.
Are you really wanting to run audio while you are logged out? It
would be much easier to add a desktop file to ~/.config/autostart/
Like jackstart.desktop with something like:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Jackdbus starter
Exec=jack_control start
Change the Exec to point to a script if you want to add config
options, or use jackd instead of jack_control if you don't care
about PA-jack bridging.
This will have jack runnning from login.
If you want to headless operation then have rc.local do it as the
user that will run this stuff.
Len Ovens
www.ovenwerks.net <http://www.ovenwerks.net>
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