Hi all,
so I did the test suggested by Chris and still I am in troubles. Here the
Master: (mac OSX Sierra 10.12.4)
sh-3.2# jackd -R -d coreaudio -Cno -Pyes
jackdmp 1.9.11
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2016 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
self-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self connect requests"
Separated input = 'Built-in Microphone'
Separated output = 'Built-in Output'
Input channel = 0 ==> JACK input port = 0
Input channel = 1 ==> JACK input port = 1
JACK output port = 0 ==> output channel = 0
JACK output port = 1 ==> output channel = 1
CoreAudio driver is running...
Starting Jack NetManager
Listening on ''
Sending parameters to ...
Can't set net buffer sizes : Invalid argument
SetParams error...
Can't init new NetMaster...
Waiting for a slave...
Slave: (debian linux odroid board)
jackd -R -d net -a -p 19000 -C 0 -P 2 -i 0
-o 0
jackdmp 1.9.11
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2015 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
no message buffer overruns
no message buffer overruns
no message buffer overruns
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
self-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self connect requests"
NetDriver started in async mode without Master's transport sync.
Waiting for a master...
Initializing connection with ucas-MacBook-Pro-9.local...
Maximum number of input ports is reached for application ref = 0
driver: cannot register port for system:midi_playback_767
Can't allocate ports.
Initing net driver fails...
As you can see the issue of the MIDI ports is still there, despite I gave
the options -i 0 -o 0.
More interesting is this part of the master's jackd output:
Sending parameters to ...
Can't set net buffer sizes : Invalid argument
SetParams error...
Can't init new NetMaster...
Waiting for a slave...
Any suggestion?
And... any insights regarding the more general questions I posed in the
previous e-mail?
Thanks in advance
On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 1:24 AM, Frodo Jedi <frodojedi.mailinglist(a)gmail.com
> Dear Chris,
> thanks a lot for your prompt reply,
> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 11:45 PM, Chris Caudle <chris(a)chriscaudle.org>
>> On Wed, April 26, 2017 12:22 pm, Frodo Jedi wrote:
>> > My goal is to send audio from the odroid board (master)
>> > to the mac (slave) using a direct ethernet connection.
>> The jackd master is the device with the audio hardware. Are your problems
>> perhaps caused because you are following the setup instructions for master
>> on a device with no audio hardware? (saw later on that you tried the other
>> way around, so let's concentrate on that configuration).
> Actually, my goal is that of sending audio from the board to other
> connected devices, for the moment I am using a mac, it could be another pc
> with linux or windows.
> I am going for a wired connection first, with the final aim to test
> netjack2 over wifi, and compare the wired and wireless behaviours under
> various conditions.
> The odroid board (configured as master in the first case) has a beheringer
> soundcard perfectly working, I can record and listen audio using it. So I
> should be able to use the odroid + soundcard configuration as a master, and
> the mac as a slave. Right?
>> > On the master:
>> > /usr/bin/jackd -P 70 -p96 -t 2000 -dalsa -dhw:CODEC -S -s
>> > -r48000 -p128 -n2
>> > jack_load netmanager
>> That is on the odroid?
> yes
>> What ALSA compatible hardware is on the odroid?
> Audio/Audio-Interfaces/UCA222/p/P0A31
>> In any event, the short of it is that ALSA is the driver for the audio
>> hardware, so whichever device has speakers connected better be the device
>> where you are giving the driver argument as "-dalsa" or you won't
hear any
>> sound.
>> > Actually, if can be of any help, I also tried to set the mac
>> > as master and the linux board as the slave.
>> That should be the correct configuration if you want to connect the mac to
>> an amplifier and speakers and you want the linux odroid system to just
>> send digital audio information to the mac and have the mac play the audio.
> Ok, but my goal is to have a networked configuration where the linux
> odroid system broadcast
> audio to various connected devices. My understanding is that the odroid
> must be the master and
> all the other devices receiving and reproducing the audio signal must be
> the slave. Am I wrong?
>> > The result is that they seem to communicate,
>> > although jack on the mac crashes giving the error
>> > "Floating point exception: 8":
>> Can you run local jack aware software on the mac and play audio through
>> the mac audio hardware? Make sure you can get that working first before
>> trying to bring networking into it.
> Of course, I successfully used jack2 on the mac, it perfectly works (for
> instance with Audacity or Max/MSP 7).
>> > Default input and output devices are not the same !!
>> > Cannot open default device in duplex mode, so aggregate
>> > default input and default output
>> > Separated input = 'Built-in Microphone'
>> > Separated output = 'Built-in Output'
>> If you aren't going to use "Built-in Microphone" as an input
device, you
>> could start with playback only. That should get rid of the "input and
>> output devices are not the same !!" warning. I think that would be -P
>> passed the coreaudio driver parameters, or maybe -Cno -Pyes, the manual
>> page is a little vaguely
>> worded and I don't have a machine with coreaudio to play with to try it
>> out.
>> That is assuming you want to use the built in audio for the output,
>> otherwise the wrong device is selected and you need to sort that out
>> first.
> Ok I will try tomorrow and report to you. At the moment yes the mac's
> built in audio for the output is what I want to test.
>> > Takes physical 2 audio output(s) for slave
>> > Takes physical 0 MIDI input(s) for slave
>> > Takes physical 0 MIDI output(s) for slave
>> > Sending parameters to ...
>> > Floating point exception: 8
>> This is a modern mac with Intel processor? Just making sure. I don't
>> have a mac myself, but just in case someone else can help, which OS
>> version?
> Yes, I am using the very last macbook pro, with the very last and updated
> OS X (version 10.12.4).
>> This is the default multicast address reported by the master:
>> > Starting Jack NetManager
>> > Listening on ''
>> But you specified a unicast address in the place where you would usually
>> specify a multicast address different than default:
>> > On the slave (linux board):
>> > jackd -R -d net -a -p 19000
>> From the walk-through you linked:
>> Parameters for driver 'net' (all parameters are optional):
>> -a, --multicast_ip Multicast Address (default:
>> You are giving a unicast address as the argument for the multicast address
>> to use. Why did you think you needed to do that?
>> It seems the unicast address was ignored, because there is a message later
>> showing connected to macbook.
> I don't have the setup right now, I will re-test tomorrow, but if I
> correctly remember, I used the address
> (which is the static address I gave to the mac) because simply using
> jackd -R -d net (which takes the default) did not work.
>> > Maximum number of input ports is reached for application ref = 0
>> > driver: cannot register port for system:midi_playback_769
>> > Can't allocate ports.
>> > Initing net driver fails...
>> That looks like the net backend driver is trying to register MIDI ports
>> for some reason, but the documentation says the default is no MIDI ports.
>> From the walk-through page "The default configuration is a simple stereo
>> use, with no midi port." Maybe one of the jack2 devs can comment on
>> whether the behavior and documentation have diverged.
> Yes it would be great if any jack developer could comment on this. I am
> available to contribute to the jack community
> by doing some tests on the mac if needed.
>> If you do get rid of the internal microphone as an input port, you should
>> probably set the net backend to not expect any input ports. I think that
>> would be adding -C 0 -P 2 to the arguments after -dnet.
>> I guess for good measure you could add -i 0 -o 0 to specify 0 MIDI in and
>> out ports, although that is supposed to be the default.
> I will try tomorrow and report.
> However, this is not the main goal I want to pursue, as I want to send
> audio from the linux odroid board.
> Any further insight on this?
> Cheers
>> --
>> Chris Caudle
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