On Fri, 5 May 2017 21:53:27 +0200, Kjetil Matheussen wrote:
I guess the reason no one replying to you is that this
question have
been asked and answered many many times already. A quick google search
would have given you the answer.
the mailing list archive is closed, so you need to log in and use the
archive's search. The archive's search returns
"ht://Dig error
htsearch detected an error. Please report this to the webmaster of this
site by sending an e-mail to: mailman(a)listserver-foreach.dreamhost.com
The error message is:
Unable to read word database file
Did you run htdig?"
or it continues with a never ending search.
However, the search isn't really needed, just taking a look at the
subjects of the mails send to the list within the last month, mainly
shows threads about the link issue. It would have been smart, if
somebody would have added a "[solved]" when replying to a reply
providing a working link ;).