could somebody please clarify why there are two homepages
http://jackaudio.org and
http://jackaudio.github.io which look very much
the same but will provide *slightly* different content?
it also seems that the github.io page is *slightly* more up-to-date,
since a few broken downloads (found on
jackaudio.org) have been fixed.
this is a bit unfortunate, since pretty all documentation links to
"luckily" there are still plenty of dead links even on the github.io
page, so the difference is not too big¹.
could the powers that be pretty please make the two pages the same same
(e.g. by redirecting
jackaudio.org to the github.io page) or turn down
one of them?
also: why on earth would anybody use dropbox as a CDN/filehoster for
software downloads of a free software project?
what is wrong with github releases (since the software is hosted on
github anyhow)?
or host them directly on jackaudio.org?
could the powers that be pretty please wade through all the links in the
download section and make sure that they are accessible?
i think the current state is a real disservice to the project (at
least for all those users who cannot just emerge/yum/apt install JACK),
which might explain the slightly sarcastic tone.
¹ reminder to self: get out of sarcasm mode asap.