Hi guys and thx for reading!
I can't use my rme babyface pro with jack to route audio form cubase 9.5 pro
to harrison mixbus32c v4 :-(
Jack works with the asio4all v2, but if I setting "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Jack\jackd.exe" -R -S -d portaudio -d "ASIO::ASIO Fireface USB" in
jackd proprieties and ASIO::ASIO Fireface USB as interface in jack audio
connecting kit settings nothing hapens :-(
0 signal in cubase! The meters don't move as I setted no driver in cubase.
Any tips? where did I wrong? Help please!!!!
ps. I tried to use asio4all as driver for jack setting ASIO::ASIO Fireface
USB as interface in jack audio connecting kit settings and the sound
appeared! But it glitch a lot... heeeeeelp T_T
thx guys and sorry for my english!
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