Dear Leonardo,
Thank you for your reply. I've considered Jacktrip before, but is not an
option because it doesn't run on Windows (and I have one Windows laptop at
home). I didn't know nj-bridge at all. Where can I find more information
about it?
On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 11:26 AM, Leonardo O. Gabrielli <
leonardo.o.gabrielli(a)> wrote:
Dear Andre,
I have experience with several WiFi 802.11 setups but not with netjack,
which IMHO is the least suitable solution. If u want still to go on that
way I suggest to increase the period size, to allow the network to hand
buffers in and out with shorter deadlines, I guess that should help.
The other way is using jack clients such as jacktrip or nj-bridge. I
employed those for networked performances over the internet or wireless and
tolerate some jitter, just adjust the buffer size at the expense of latency
(not a big deal in your use case). Nj-bridge may be more suitable to you as
it instantiate mono directional flows.