On Thu, 24 Aug 2017 08:56:40 -0700, Yuri wrote:
On 08/24/17 08:51, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
FWIW SIGINT could be handled by the client, IOW
Ctrl+C not
necessarily does what you expect it to do, Ctrl+C doesn't result in
If Jack relies on clients to clean up, this will require fixing a lot
of clients for this to work. It is better if this is handled in the
Hi Yuri,
jackaudio.org was down, so consider to resend your concerns
to the mailing list, since it's up again. I'm not a jackd developer,
just a user and simply try to point out, that Ctrl+C isn't a shortcut
that ensures a specific action of an application. You seem to assume
that Ctrl+C does kill an app or something similar, but actually an app
is free to continue running or to do anything else.