pleased to announce another ladspa unit - 'preamp'.
this plugin implements an amplitude response that has
been obtained from a spice simulation of the preamp
stage of a modified fender 5F4 instrument amplifier.
>From: Paul Davis <paul(a)>
>idea, wrapped it up in patent language that restricts it to a specific
>problem domain (playback of audio data in response to triggers), and
There has been "instant play" devices prior gigasampler. I also
found following from Usenet archives. I also have a product adv
which can be used as directly-from-disk MIDI sampler with fades;
I will scan and place this adv available soon. Year is 1990.
>> Forum:
Subject: Re: Why buy a digital transport?
Date: 04/12/1995
Author: Mark Brindle <brindle(a)>
[ cut ]
: a totaly error free transport system which would alow random play
: near ( sub 10ms ) access to any audio on the cd-rom ??
You've just described a hard-disk recorder. But, if you want
to save some money, and you don't plan to edit the music, you
could get by without the hard drive. Substitute a few megs of
RAM; and if you need *INSTANT* access, cache the first second
of every "cut" in memory -- then, you could start playing any track
with only a few microseconds delay. Of course, anything
quicker than about 50ms seems instantaneous to mere mortals.'s "only" software,
Has anyone put together a patch for the RH8 kernel that does better low
latency, yet is compatible with the zillions of kernel patches RH puts
in? A lot of these patches are good, and not cool to discard, but it is
getting tedious trying to make a compatible patch. Has anyone done a
similar patch for making ALSA part of the kernel RPM build?
Has anyone measured what the latency on a RH8 system is without the full
ll patches?
Plugging away...
(jfm3 2838 BCBA 93BA 3058 ED95 A42C 37DB 66D1 B43C 9FD0)
does anyone know if it is possible to make the Free Intel C Compiler
work on Red Hat 8.0 ?
It used to work on RH7.3 but Jussi L. reported failure on RH8.0 too.
I would just be courious about Intel compiler's efficiency since I am
currently performing some resampling / mixing benchmarks using linear
and cubic interpolation and for example with cubic interpolation which
involves a few MULs/ADDs per sample, I get something like:
Celeron (PII-class) 71 cycles/sample , Athlon 61 cycles/sample,
Pentium 4 80 cycles / sample. (using gcc 3.2)
It seems the P4's FPU sucks quite since for some ops it needs more
cycles per instruction than the old Celeron.
I heard Intel's compiler is able to use SIMD to speed up FPU ops so I
would just be curious to see what is achievable given good quality code
that is targeted for the P4.
The innermost resampling/mixing loop is very short anyway so in that
case one could probably use a P4-specific asm version (or importing the
asm generated by icc) in order to achieve maximum performance.
But first tests seems to indicate (at least to me) that the Athlon is
20-30% faster for doing resampling/mixing stuff thus I guess an Athlon
machine will deliver more voices than a P4 running at the same
frequency ( or Pentium-frequency-equivalence-index).
Currently I am working only in the floating point domain, but Juan L. is
telling me about the wonders of integer math and pointed me to the
routines found in but I am unable
to compile the package on RedHat 8.0 (am I a masochist insisting on that
distro ? :-) )
On the other hand Steve Harris says that in modern CPUs floating point
ops are more accelerated than integer ones and since integer involves a
lot of shifting, you might end up with longer execution times than the
integer version.
(FISTL takes 6 cycles but it is not that much compared to 70-80 cycles
in the case of cubic interpolation plus doing all in the FP domain saves
you from lots of hassles)
I will publish the benchmark and the results when I will have
implemented more test cases.
Anyway it is interesting to learn how sucky the x86 architecture can be
(the hard way of course :-) ).
PS: regarding the optimization options Steve H. suggested
-O6 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrength-reduce -funroll-loops
-fmove-all-movables -ffast-math -mcpu=i686 -march=i686
Can gcc 3.2 target archtitectures higher than the PII ?
(I mean generating P3/P4 specific code ?)
thoughts ?
Building a professional grade software sampler for Linux.
Please help us designing and developing it.
anyone around who ran audio stuff on the xbox/linux yet ?
Forwarded message:
> From owner-music-dsp(a) Tue Nov 12 05:34:54 2002
> Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 12:22:30 +0800
> Subject: Re: [music-dsp] XBOX as an audio DSP?
> From: Stewart Greenhill <sgreenhill(a)>
> To: music-dsp(a)
> On Tuesday, November 12, 2002, at 11:38 AM, Russell Borogove wrote:
[irrelevant parts snipped]
> Ultimately, it may be possible to run Linux (for example) without
> modding the box. An anonymous donor has offered $US 200,000 towards the
> development of such a "fix" so presumably if it is technically possible
> it will be eventually done. Therefore, I guess one could eventually make
> a CD image that boots the OS _and_ the application without requiring
> mods or installs.
> But its really not an "unfinished" OS. Its just unix with X11 and ALSA.
> A single API targets both environments, so the extra work required to
> make an app run on the xbox may not be great.
> Personally, I doubt that I would pursue this route. However, it does
> give an interesting "mass market" for linux audio applications.
> Cheers,
> Stewart
> dupswapdrop -- the music-dsp mailing list and website: subscription info,
> FAQ, source code archive, list archive, book reviews, dsp links
chris(a) Postmodernism is german romanticism with better special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via
> This is a bit off-topic, but did you use CoreAudio when porting to OSX?
yes -- the code is in Snd's (sndlib's) audio.c.
> You mean, there is now a Snd for OS-X? Wow, at work, I'll have to
> choose between Win-XP and OS-X in the near future, and this is a very
> important argument pro OS-X.
You've considerably brightened up my morning!
Don't worry David, I think we are wasting our precious time with these
talks (but it is interesting anyway :-) )
Regarding source and binary code:
Being or app opensource, we have the advantage that the source code
does not constitute a runnable application and this provides several
legal advantages.
Just to cite an example:
The freetype library contains a bytecode
interpreter for font hinting on which Apple holds a patent.
But they can distribute the source because it is disabled in the default
Makefile. This makes me think that opensource software that might
contain "controversial" code can always be shipped in sourceform since
it is not the final product since only a "description of it".
(where the compiler turns this description into the final product).
back to coding .... (guess what ? :-) )
David Burrows wrote:
> Send the source code to me and I will release it. Why? Because
> I believe what I said in the above paragraph is true. It is immoral to
> have software patents, not violate them. Especially ones as
> absurdly simple as this. How could they proove that you did not
> come up with the idea yourself? Whatever happened to innocent until
>proven guilty
Building a professional grade software sampler for Linux.
Please help us designing and developing it.
Hi all,
I am currently writing an article talks (among other things) about Linux
as one of the currently viable pro-quality-audio platforms. I am trying
to get a hold of some specs in relation to JACK, so I'd appreciate it if
you can give me a quick rundown of the following information:
All of these pertain to ALSA or JACK:
1.) What is the lowest stable achievable latency with the current stable
(2.4) branch of the kernel (with ll and preempt patches) using Alsa on a
modern system (i.e. at least 1GHz machine)?
2.) What is the lowest stable achievable latency utilizing
app<--->jack<--->audio hw
kind of setup on a modern system (i.e. at least 1GHz machine) with the
current stable (2.4) branch of the kernel (with ll and preempt patches)
using Alsa?
I would appreciate it if you restrict your responses to simple numbers
1) 1.6ms
2) 2ms
since I do not have the time to have a discussion on this matter, but am
rather looking for a quick list of testimonials in regards to the two
given questions.
Thank you for your help! Sincerely,
Ivica Ico Bukvic, composer, multimedia sculptor,
programmer, webmaster & computer consultant
"To be is to do" - Socrates
"To do is to be" - Sartre
"Do be do be do" - Sinatra
"I am" - God