Hi all,
I have made a first preview of Power Station Industrializer v0.2.7
You can download it here:
What is new in psindustrializer-0.2.7:
Improved accuracy of setting some parameters
Rendering and playback can be interrupted. Playback can be
retrigged at any time
Both actuation and sampling nodes are made selectable (Hint: you
can use this facility to generate great stereo samples. Although
PSIndustrializer doesn't support direct stereo samples saving yet, you
can manually save two samples with the same model and parameters, but
different sampling nodes. Then map them to right and left channels and
have fun!)
As always, bugreports and feature requests are welcome!
Hi all!
Today I have finished a large amount of work: support of user actions
logging in SoundTracker. This means that almost all operations can be
undone / redone. Before this I have redesigned the sample editor.
Although these are not all improvements scheduled for 1.0.2 release, I
would like to start testing of the above two features. So I have issued
the first pre-relase available as usual at
I invite everyone to test this and send me bugreports. But I'd like to
warn, that this pre-release couldn't be pretty stable and can
occasionally crash. If you are familiar with gdb (GNU debugger) please
compile ST with CFLAGS=-DDEBUG and after crash explore the core file
with gdb and send me the backtrace.
Hi, is it still active here?
I’m trying to locate some help for developing a basic subtractive synth for Linux with support for sound patches.
Can someone point to any primer material? And What dev libraries for synth development are essential?
Thanks in advance
http://sound7.co.uk <http://sound7.co.uk/>
liquidsfz-0.2.1 has been released
The main goal of liquidsfz is to provide an SFZ sampler implementation
library that is easy to integrate into other projects. A standalone jack
client and a LV2 plugin is also available.
liquidsfz is implemented in C++ and licensed under the GNU LGPL version
2.1 or later. The release tarball can be downloaded here:
Overview of Changes in liquidsfz-0.2.1:
* New opcodes: offset / offset_random / offset_ccN / offset_onccN
* Support loading Hydrogen drumkit.xml files
* Make liquidsfz JACK client interactive, support typing commands
* Support building as shared library
* Share the same sample cache between all Synth instances
* Opcode aliases for volume_cc and volume_oncc
* RT cleanups for standard logging (info/warning/error)
* Document threading / RT constraints
* API additions
- Synth::active_voice_count
- Synth::all_sound_off
- Synth::system_reset
* Can build without some features (--without-jack / --without-lv2)
* Fixes
- make string->double conversion work on any locale
- preallocate event buffers to avoid malloc for new events
- allow one parameter to be modulated by multiple CCs
- don't crash on broken sfz which have uint out of range
- fix overriding sample loop_mode/loop_start/loop_end
- constrain ranges for cc/pitch_bend (i.e. enforce cc to [0..127])
Stefan Westerfeld, http://space.twc.de/~stefan
Mamba release v1.6 is out
Mamba is a Virtual MIDI keyboard with some extended, unique features.
Virtual MIDI Keyboard
Mamba comes with some predefined key-maps, qwertz, qwerty, azerty(fr)
and azerty(be), but you could define your own with the included Key-map
Editor as well. Beside the computer keyboard and mouse, Mamba supports
jack MIDI in and ALSA (seq) MIDI in. Output goes to jack MIDI out. Every
channel use it's own Colour to display the played Notes per channel.
16 Channel Live MIDI Looper:
To record a loop, press "Play" and then to start recording press
"Record". To stop recording press record again. Playback will start
The first recorded channel will become the Master channel. This one set
the time frame for all later recorded loops. For the Master Channel the
recording time will be stretched/clipped to match the next full beat
time point.
To record a new loop, switch to a other channel, select your instrument
and press "Record" again to start recording.
The later recorded loops will be synced to the master loop. When the
recording time extend the absolute Master loop time record will be
switched off. Absolute time is not bound to the loop point, so you could
record loops crossing it. You could as well stop recording by press
"Record" again before the time expires.
Each Channel could be cleared and re-recorded separate at any time. even
when you press "Record" on a already recorded channel, it will be
cleared before recording starts.
You could record the connected input device or play the Keyboard itself.
MIDI File player
You could select a MIDI file with the File Selector. It will be loaded
in the play buffer of the first channel, regardless how much channels it
use. You could use then channel 2 - 16 to record your own playing into
it. To play along with it you could use any channel. A loaded file will
become the Master channel for the looper.
To save your work just go to Menu -> "File" -> "Save MIDI file as",
select the path and enter a file name. If you don't give the usual file
extension Mamba will add the extension .midi befor save it.
When you load a Sound-font via the Menu -> "Fluidsynth" -> "Load
Sound-font" Mamba will start the Fluidsynth engine and do the needed
connections so that you could just play along. Menu -> "Fluidsynth" ->
"Settings" will pop-up a new Window were you could select the Instrument
for the channel and do settings for Fluisynth Reverb and Chorus. All
your Settings will be saved on exit, so on next start you could just
play along.
Mamba is released under the BSD Zero Clause License license
The GUI is build on libxputty - A damn tiny abstraction Layer to create
X11 window/widgets with cairo surfaces
To build Mamba from source, the following dependencies must be meat.
* libfluidsynth-dev
* libc6-dev
* libsmf-dev
* libcairo2-dev
* libx11-dev
* liblo-dev
* libsigc++-2.0-dev
* libjack-(jackd2)-dev
* libasound2-dev
So, here is the project page:
and here you'll find the last release: