This is the long overdone release for guitarix2 version 0.45.0
Guitarix is a modular, virtual amplifier for Linux.
With Guitarix you can choose different preamp and amp models
and /or could load *.nam files with the Neural Amp Modeler module,
to simulate a specific hardware unit.
Combine them with various effects and speaker cabinet emulations
and/or load your own Impulse Response files
to come up with your very own tones.

This release fix various bugs since the last release from May 2, 2022
It also introduce support for the outstanding [Neural Amp
project page:
release page:
Hello all,
A question for the Jack / PW developers:
If a Jack client calls jack_set_freewheel() to start or stop
freewheeling, is it guaranteed that all clients will see the
transition in the same period, i.e. at the same frame time ?
Guitarix.vst is the full blown guitarix stack as VST3 plugin for Linux,
using Juce to wrap the guitarix engine into a VST3 plugin.
It allow to load/save your presets, download presets from online and
load external LV2 plugs and IR Files, like the guitarix stand-alone version.
But all that as a VST3 plugin in your DAW. All parameters been exposed
to the DAW, so accessible for automation.
Other than the stand-alone, the VST3 version allows to switch the input
to a real stereo input, so it may match better your channel strip in the
For Hdpi users, the GUI is full scalable.

This release fix a issue with startup sequence in Ardour.
Also fixed been the issues with the binary like `GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not
found. The binary use now pretty standard libstdc++ symbols.
It also introduce support for the [Neural Amp
Modeler]( so it's now
possible to load *.nam files into a modeler module.
Attached binary package
is a x86-64 Linux binary.
To build from source please use the Guitarix.vst3_0.2.tar.gz package, as
only that one contain the needed submodules.
If you like to support the guitarix.vst development consider a donation:
Soundmit announces that it will host the International Faust Conference (IFC) 2024 in Turin, Italy, on November 21-22, 2024. The IFC is a biennial event that brings together the global community of developers and users of the FAUST audio programming language. The conference offers a unique opportunity to:
Learn more about the FAUST language and its various applications Meet other professionals in the audio and music industry Attend talks, workshops, and panels on a variety of topics related to FAUST Contribute to the future development of the language The IFC 2024 will be held two days before the 14th edition of Soundmit, the international fair on synthesizers, electronic musical instruments, digital music and sound art, which will take place in Turin on November 23-24, 2024. The two events will be united for the first time, creating a unique opportunity for participants to fully immerse themselves in the world of digital audio.
Companies that wish to support the conference can do so with a small sponsorship that offers a great return in terms of visibility. It is also possible to participate in the Soundmit as an exhibitor to present your products and services to an international audience of professionals.
Dates: IFC24 - 21/22 Nov 2024 - Turin
SOUNDMIT (14th edition) - 23/24 Nov 2024 - Turin
This is the first release of Guitarix.vst
Guitarix.vst is the full blown guitarix stack as VST3 plugin for Linux,
using Juce to wrap the guitarix engine into a VST3 plugin.
It allow to load/save your presets, download presets from online and
load external LV2 plugs and IR Files, like the guitarix stand-alone version.
But all that as a VST3 plugin in your DAW. All parameters been exposed
to the DAW, so accessible for automation.
Other than the stand-alone, the VST3 version allows to switch the input
to a real stereo input, so it may match better your channel strip in the
For Hdpi users, the GUI is full scalable.

The binary package
is a x86-64 Linux binary.
To build from source please use the Guitarix.vst3_0.1.tar.gz package, as
only that one contain the needed submodules.
Release Page is
Project Page is [here](
If you like to support the guitarix.vst development consider a donation:
ImpulseLoader.lv2 is a simple, robust, mono IR-File loader/convolver
plug allowing to browse the File system for IR-Files to load them. As
well supported is drag and drop, when the host support that.
It provide a pop up menu for quick access to all IR-Files in the current
loaded path.
IR-Files will be resampled on the fly to match the session SampleRate.
If the IR-File have more then 1 channel, only the first one will be loaded.
Controls for input gain and Dry/Wet been available. The input gain
didn't affect the dry part of the signal so a mix could be easily created.
Project page is here:
Release page is here:
The Release page provide the source package and as well ready to use
binary bundle packages for Linux x86_64 and Windows 64.
ImpulseLoaderStereo.lv2 is a stereo version of this, providing the same
feature set, except that it provide stereo channels. If a IR-File have
only one channel, it will use this on both channels, if it have more
then 2 channels, only the first 2 channels will be used.
Project page is here:
Release page is here:
The GUI's been made with libxputty:
the convolution engine is based on zita-convolver and the resampler is
based on zita-resampler:
Audio file handling is based on libsndfile:
The source code of the GUI been released under the 0BSD license while
the complete plugin itself is under the GPL v2+ license.
ImpulseLoader is a simple, mono, IR-File loader/convolution LV2 plug.
IR-Files could be loaded via the integrated File Browser, or, when
supported by the host, via drag and drop.
If the IR-File have more then 1 channel, only the first channel will be
IR-Files will be resampled on the fly to match the session Sample Rate.
Binaries been available for Linux and Windows.
Get the latest release here:
Project page is here: