> I'm hoping that you're thinking of a realtime display, in which the
> peaks roll off to create a true waterfall effect.
Baudline (http://www.baudline.com) is a fantastic viewer that does fft
cascade. I've used it for a couple of years, and it is great for figuring out
how different sounds "work", and it has an oscilloscope-type display as well.
Jason Downer
I finally started making my pet music project and realized I need a
drum synth to make some cool sounds. psindustrializer is good but also
need some tr-909-style sounds. I remeber from my old windoze days I
used a nice piece of software called Stomper. Does anybody know any
software for linux with comparable capabilities? Or we need to write
Stomper does not work under wine :(
I had a couple of articles on drum synths. Check
I built the circuit in a00*.jpg at the time when this article
was fresh. The article b00*jpg mentions an earlier article.
I will check that out at library.
Hmm.. I coded a drum synth for Commodore VIC-20 at the time.
VIC provided an audio chip with three oscillators, noise,
and a common volume if I remember correctly. What I did was to
modulate osc pitch and volume parameters with a fast and accurate
(compared to Basic) assembly code. The drum sounds were assigned to
the keys. This was about 1984, inspired by Yamaha's digital RX drum
synths, not by analog drums.
for developers of open source graphics software
>From: "Levi D. Burton" <ldb(a)puresimplicity.net>
>does the idea of documenting various lad design patterns make
>sense to anyone?
Such "LAD Gems" doc would be much needed here too.
(For audio dsp gems, take a look at "musicdsp.org".)
I would appreciate if somebody would take a look at
Ardour and document best gems found there. E.g., the GUI
and audio thread separation and start up sequences.
Likewise for Linuxsampler and one of its GUI frontends.
for developers of open source graphics software
Hi everyone,
Can anyone give me any examples of Free audio software being used by
Anywhere where it performs better, or simply doesn't cost two or more
body parts to use?
Quick answers get bonus points.
"I'd crawl over an acre of 'Visual This++' and 'Integrated Development
That' to get to gcc, Emacs, and gdb. Thank you."
(By Vance Petree, Virginia Power)
I have two questions concerning the jack callback,
1. what is the preferred way of feeding data from disk to the callback?
Is there a general design pattern agreed upon? Best Practices?
2. What is the preferred way to notify the non-realtime thread that
something happened in the jack-callback?
A condition variable? How to avoid blocking? How do you do it?
I read the tutorial at http://userpages.umbc.edu/~berman3/ , it uses
mutex+condition, is it okay to do this? Are there better ways?
Regret to report I am having problems loading firmware for my multiface
again. This time I have the pci card in a 32-bit system running FC4 with
a recent 2.6.12 kernel and alsa from 1.0.10rc1, including
alsa-tools-1.0.10rc1. The error is:
Hammerfall-DSP: wait for FIFO status <= 0 failed after 30 iterations
Hwdep ioctl error on card hw:1 : Input/output error.
Janina Sajka Phone: +1.202.494.7040
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC http://www.CapitalAccessibility.Com
Chair, Accessibility Workgroup Free Standards Group (FSG)
janina(a)freestandards.org http://a11y.org
If Linux can't solve your computing problem, you need a different problem.
just tried to update my installation of fst-1.6 to the newest (now beta!)
wine. But there are several problems:
the options to winebuild have changed and so in fst/Makefile the build-command
must be changed:
- the target must be renamed to "$(fst_exe_MODULE).spec.o:" cause winebuild
creates an assembler file that can't be processed by the implicit rule
".c.o:" -- but the new winebuild can create the ".o" file directly.
- "the executable must be named via the -F option" -- to get rid of this
winebuild error message the option '-F' must be inserted just before
With this modifications the build creates the libfst.so successfully but when
linking fstconfig with libfst there are two missing symbols:
./libfst.so: undefined reference to `__wine_spec_exe_entry'
./libfst.so: undefined reference to `__wine_spec_init_ctor'
Unfortunately the wine documentation is not updated to this new behaviour and
I was not able to figure out what to do. When building the intermediate
assembler source (just undo the extension change for the .spec.o) and looking
at it, the two symbols are destination marker: The first is just an address
in an internal table and the second is the target of a jump command.
I can't find any suggestions what to additionally link to libfst to satisfy
this unresolved references ...
Is there an updated version of libfst? Or someone with more wine knowledge,
who can solve this problems?
By further investigation I found a workaround that builds libfst but at least
ardour gives a "memory access fault" (Speicherzugriffsfehler):
Unpack the distribution
cp fst/libfst.spec.c fst/libfst.spec.c_backup
cp fst/libfst.spec.c_backup fst/libfst.spec.c
This uses the prebuilt libfst.spec.c but maybe this doesn't match the current
wine version ...
I have build ardour with "VST=1" and it only starts without "memory access
fault" when giving the option "-V"
Thank you
Uwe Koloska
vanilla kernel 2.6.10
to make this short....
I installed by following the instructions here...
I installed the midisport about a month ago and got it
working. I was using kde at the time. I uninstalled
kde and switched to windowmaker. Now the midisport
doesn't work I reinstalled the above packages. still
no luck. I even reinstalled kde. nothing.
any ideas on this one?
-Mike Fisher
Start your day with Yahoo! - Make it your home page!
Apparently my soundcard selecting skills are poor.
I thought that a USB card would be nice so that I could use it on
different machines. The M-Audio Audiophile USB had good specs and usb
audio was supposed to work ok.
After much googleing I seem to have the device recording 24/96k audio
but its only with arecord.
Trying to start jack (V 0.99) it whines that my format is not
supported. And if I choose plughw I get XRUNS.
How much work will it be to get jack to work with S24_3BE?
Richard A. Smith