I am looking for a deconvolver, that is able to produce impulse
responses from sinus sweeps (and especially the exponentially
sweeping sine wave introduced by Farina).
Do you have any suggestions or at least tips to start an
implementation by myself?
Recently I managed to use the mls tools from nwfiir to produce
an IR of my microverb.
I had to learn the hard way, that simple soundcards are not able
to be used as MLS source because of the non linearities. Even a
simple DA-AD loop gives a result wave that mls2imp cannot cope
with. But an empty loop with an US-122 (unfortunately not with
linux for now) gives something very near to a dirac impulse!
The hunt for the linux convolution reverb has started ;-)
voiceINTERconnect www.voiceinterconnect.de
... smart speech applications from germany
Daniel asked for this to be forwarded...
Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd.
Http://www.boosthardware.comHttp://www.djcj.org - The Linux Audio Users guide
{This is a draft of a note for the GTK developers, requesting them
to soften their position on disallowing setgid. Please post
comments and suggestions. It carries more weight coming from a
group of us. Also, please tell me where this is should go.}
{The note seems overly long. Suggestions for things to leave out?
Perhaps I should post some of this on the web as a white paper, and
send them a much shorter message pointing to it.}
A number of us in the Linux Audio Developers community[1] are trying
to come up with practical ways of dealing with the security exposures
inherent in realtime audio. Our problem is that many audio
applications require realtime scheduling and memory locking privileges
to achieve stable, low-latency performance.
While not a direct threat to system integrity, these privileges easily
allow anyone with a local login to accidentally or intentionally
freeze the machine. In security jargon, this is known as "Denial of
Service". For a dedicated Digital Audio Workstation system, the risk
is generally acceptable. But, we want to do our best to minimize its
Historically, many Linux audio applications required users to login as
root when needing realtime privileges. Large audio programs often
include complex graphical user interfaces, digital signal processing,
and multi-threaded buffer handling. Running all this as root leaves
the system wide open to devastating security attacks. This is what we
want to avoid.
Solutions Considered
Some packages, like the JACK Audio Connection Kit[2], have
successfully used Linux kernel capabilities[3] to run realtime audio
applications using an ordinary user ID with only the necessary
permissions delegated. Unfortunately, the Linux kernel developers do
not fully support this, because that mechanism currently has known
security holes[4]. Consequently, kernels are shipped with it partly
disabled. The 2.4 kernel requires users to make a two-line patch,
then recompile and reinstall to enable this feature.
As these problems are not likely to be resolved any time soon, we have
been investigating other solutions. The 2.6 kernels provide a new
Linux Security Module (LSM) mechanism[5]. With that, we can turn on
capabilities without forcing all our users to patch their kernels.
But, the security exposure in the capabilities mechanism remains.
So, we are working on an experimental LSM for 2.6 that grants realtime
privileges to applications based on several optional criteria[6]. The
most secure option only grants realtime access to programs or users
belonging to a specific group ID, such as `realtime' or `audio'.
Ideally, our applications would be setgid to that group, so only
realtime programs would gain access to these privileges.
Problems with GTK
Unfortunately, audio applications using GTK cannot take full advantage
of this option, because GTK refuses to run setgid. The unintended
consequence of that policy is to *increase* our security exposure by
forcing us to grant realtime privileges to all the programs of users
who need them, when we would prefer to restrict access to just the
audio programs, themselves.
We have read with interest the rationale[7] given by Owen Taylor of
the GTK development team for disallowing the use of setuid and setgid
in GTK applications.
Owen writes:
In the opinion of the GTK+ team, the only correct way to write a
setuid program with a graphical user interface is to have a setuid
backend that communicates with the non-setuid graphical user
interface via a mechanism such as a pipe and that considers the
input it receives to be untrusted.
This is a fine suggestion, and certainly one viable approach. But, it
seems presumptuous to claim that it is the "only correct way". One
cannot force the many existing Linux audio applications to be
rewritten to follow this advice, and it is unclear that there is any
good reason to do so. Since GUI threads generally use non-privileged
scheduling, in practice realtime priority is restricted to the I/O and
signal processing threads anyway.
Requested Change
While sympathetic with the concerns and intentions expressed in Owen's
document, we are not happy with the actual implementation. We want
gtk_init() to stop checking that the group ID equals the effective
group ID. If you really feel that some such test is necessary, then
please disallow operation only when the effective gid is zero (`root'
or `wheel' in most systems).
Note that testing for specific user and group privileges does not
conform to current POSIX thinking on the subject. The standard has
adopted the term "appropriate privileges"[8] for describing the
effects of the implementation-defined security mechanism. This was
done to encourage adoption of more granular privilege implementations
than the traditional monolithic Unix superuser approach. So, no
matter what tests you make, on some modern systems you will not be
able to detect when GTK is running in a privileged context.
System security is evolving in directions that are outside the scope
of GTK and cannot adequately be enforced by any user-level library.
Despite good intentions, incomplete security checking tends only to
make matters worse.
Jack O'Quin
Austin, Texas
[1] mailto:linux-audio-dev@music.columbia.edu
[2] http://jackit.sourceforge.net
[3] http://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/security/linux-privs/kernel-2.4/capfaq…
[4] http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/sendmail/2000-q2/0002.html
[5] http://lsm.immunix.org
[6] http://www.joq.us/realtime/README
[7] http://www.gtk.org/setuid.html
[8] http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904975/xrat/xbd_chap03.html
Hi all,
the following announcement gets sent to all of linux-audio-dev,
linux-audio-user and linux-audio-announce mailing lists in order to
reach as many interested parties as possible; I'm sorry if you
receive this twice or even more often.
I would be glad if we get a lot of participation from your side!
>From April 29th to May 2nd, 2004, the Institute for Music and Acoustics
of ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany, will host the 2nd conference of the
Linux Audio Developers (LAD). As a new feature there will be
presentations of music in addition to technical talks. For this, we
are looking for music that has been produced completely or mostly
under Linux.
We are looking for:
* Interesting demos of sound synthesis, sound processing, etc.
* "Classical" computer music compositions, to be played in a concert
* Pieces from areas such as Electronica, Chill-Out, Ambient etc.
If you would like to participate, please send your composition(s)
to this address:
Linux Sound Night
ZKM, Institut fuer Musik und Akustik
Lorenzstr. 19
D-76135 Karlsruhe
Please make use of one of the following media formats:
- Audio-CD, DVD or CD-ROM
Possible audio file formats: aiff or wav; mono, stereo or multi-channel;
44.1 or 48 kHz; 16 or 24 bit resolution.
Please include the following items with your submission (in English):
* A short commentary on the compositions
* A short Curriculum Vitae
* A completed and signed printout of the form available here:
Deadline for submissions is February 29th, 2004.
A jury will select the compositions that will be performed/played.
The jury will award 3 grants to participants to contribute to their
Terms and conditions for participation can be found in the form above.
Up-to-date information about the conference is available here:
Frank Neumann (Frank.Neumann(a)st.com), VIONA Development Center
STMicroelectronics, Karlstraße 27, 76133 Karlsruhe
for those new to the API, Ecasound Control Interface (ECI) is a _simple_
API for controlling the Ecasound engine. It certainly is not, and is not
meant to be, a general purpose API, but it suits nicely to many
small-to-medium-size tasks. General info about ECI can be found at:
I'm writing this because the recently released Ecasound-2.3.2 added
support for Ruby (contributed by Jan Weil). Prior versions already
provided support for C, C++, elisp, Perl, PHP and Python. So quite a few
in other words. :)
Another thing to remember is that ECI apps can interact with JACK
(including full transport support!), use LADSPA plugins for effect
processing, and perform native ALSA audio i/o.
Second reason I'm writing this now is that I just wrote a small app to
monitor JACK transport position (very much like jack_showtime that comes
with JACK), and it turned out to be an easy thing to do:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pyeca import *
from time import sleep
e.command("cs-add jackmon")
e.command("c-add jacmon")
e.command("ai-add jack")
e.command("ao-add null")
while e.last_type() != 'e':
curpos = e.last_float()
if e.last_type() == 'e': break
sys.stderr.write('JACK system pos %6.2f secs\r' % e.last_float())
Converting the above to your favorite language is left as an exercise. :)
PS If you replace 's/null/jack/' and add the line
'e.command("cop-add -el:djFlanger,0,5,0.5,50")' ... you've
turned the script into a small JACK-Rack style app
that uses Steve's DjFlanger LADSPA plugin.
Audio software for Linux!
I've been experimenting with Torben's LSM for the 2.6 kernel, and the
realtime group permissions mechanism we discussed.
Naturally, there are some problems. The worst is that GTK-2 will not
tolerate the use of setgid...
(process:11284): Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid.
This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper
program instead. For further details, see:
Refusing to initialize GTK+.
This seems to totally invalidate the setgid approach we had discussed,
at least for audio applications using GTK. QT does not seem to
complain about setgid, though most of the reasons for avoiding it with
GTK surely apply there as well.
So, I modified Torben's LSM to check supplementary groups, and this
seems to work fine. From a system admin perspective it's pretty good.
I'm a member of group `audio', which was accomplished by adding my
user ID (joq) to the appropriate entry in /etc/group...
Then, I loaded the LSM like this...
$ sudo modprobe jackcapabilities rtgid=29
After that, all my processes have realtime privileges. I can run JACK
under my normal user ID...
$ jackd --realtime -d alsa
I had to make a small change to JACK for this to work, so you'll need
CVS sources to try it. Note that `jackstart' was not needed. Then,
when I start various JACK applications they automatically acquire
realtime privileges, too...
$ alsaplayer -o jack &
$ ardour &
$ jamin &
For reasons I cannot explain, this works without requiring the
CAP_SYS_RESOURCE capability, a welcome but unexpected bonus.
I would appreciate comments, feedback, and bug reports. If you want
to try it, don't forget that it has received minimal testing. Neither
I nor anyone else can promise that it will not adversely affect your
system security or stability. Caveat emptor!
i remember that some time ago there was some discussion about
bandwidth limited waveform generators. my question is: did
anybody compare the various implementations, and does anybody
have an idea what would be the fastest? (square, saw)
As in, how do I share my own? What licenses or other scheme do you all
use for music that you create and would like to be widely distributed,
with or without any other restrictions. What considerations do you take
into account?
disclaimer: I don't have any cool music to release (yet), although I have a
few almost-cool works for the extremely curious...
Hans Fugal | De gustibus non disputandum est.
http://hans.fugal.net/ | Debian, vim, mutt, ruby, text, gpg
http://gdmxml.fugal.net/ | WindowMaker, gaim, UTF-8, RISC, JS Bach
GnuPG Fingerprint: 6940 87C5 6610 567F 1E95 CB5E FC98 E8CD E0AA D460
I have been unsubscribed from alsa-devel for a while, so maybe i missed
the discussion about this, but a quick look at the archives did not reveal
I just downloaded alsa 1.0.0rc2, and discovered that the API changed.
For example (and this is only an example), take the function
snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near. Before, the 3th argument was the
samplerate requested, and the return value was the error value (<0) or
the samplerate obtained.
err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near(handle, params, rate, 0);
Now, the third argument is a _pointer_, used to pass the requested value
_and_ to return the obtained samplerate. Note that the symbol is
identical, and that an application compiled against the old version will
happily link against the new version (but surely fail when executing!)
(or am I missing something here??)
I clearly see the advantage of the new, cleaner, approach, but I still
remember the past ALSA API changes, and I was under the impression that
that would not happen again. I also thought that the 0.9.x releases were
a straight line to work towards the 1.0 release. So I am very surprised
to see this happen. If this has been discussed / announced somewhere,
than I am sorry for having missed it, but in any case, I think it might
be good to place a notice on the alsa web page.
Here is the realtime LSM version 0.0.2, for use with 2.6 kernels.
-- New features
- mlock parameter enables memory locking privileges
- allcaps parameter enables all capabilities, including CAP_SETPCAP
- restores cap-bound on exit
-- Makefile improvements
- use security/commoncap.c from the kernel sources
- make dist
-- Documentation
- README explains options
- INSTALL instructions
- COPYING file for GPL