Firt of all, since this my first post, some words about me:
My name's Thorsten Wilms, I'm studying industrial design
in Germany/Wuppertal.
I'm very interested in interaction / interface design, and
of course making music on the Linux platform.
My coding skills are _very_ basic:(
Used Cubase VST on Windows, but I can't stand Windows anymore,
and what people around here have developed / are working on
is more interesting anyway, not to forget that open-source
just feels better and gives me a chance to influence things :)
Ok, now the screenshot Tim Orford linked to
reminds me of Ableton Live. Everybody who doesn't know it should
take a look at this screenshots:
It's optimized for live usage. No pseudo 3d look, everything
fast and easy to 'read'. Not that everybody should copy
this right away, but it might be a source of inspiration.
And now for everybody interested in a different approach to
a sequencer gui, I would like to point to the 3d application
It has something like it's own windowing system,
whereby what is called a Window in Blender is rather like
Panes in other environments.
You can split windows verticaly and horizontaly and resize every
window by dragging the borders. Every window (usualy) has a
header (even though these can be at the bottom) wich can hold
buttons and menus. But the first control in every header is
for selecting the windowtype (3d view, file-browser, schematic
view, ...).
Setups of these windows can be saved as Screens. Shortcuts
allow to switch through Screens, or to maximize the window
the mouse is over to full-screen (or minimize afterwards).
All this allows to adapt Blender to one's own workflow
or current task at hand.
The same approach could be used for sequencer / audio suite.
To take it a little further, the windowtypes could be
seperate applications / plugins.
Managing various effects, synths, the mixer and everything
else on a single screen in Cubase was a nightmare. I make
use of virtual desktops under Linux, but a system like in
Blender would be so much more comfortable and fast ...
I can't code anything coming only close to such functionality,
but I'm more than willing to work on conception and graphics,
if there is interest.
Thanks for the attention!
Thorsten Wilms
Hi LADs,
LDRUM version 0.6.0 (formerly known as Lindrum) is available.
LDRUM is an open-source drummachine that offers ten channels, realtime
control, a simple pattern sequencer and a graphical user-interface. It
currently runs under Linux only, it is developed in C++ and uses JACK, ALSA,
Qt and LADSPA.
More infos and downloads can be found at:
Changes in version 0.6.0:
- general: renamed to LDRUM (formerly Lindrum)
- general: should now compile using Qt >= 3.1
- general: added default sounds
- general: enhanced installation procedure
- engine: extended patch format to contain additional info (MIDI note,
solo, ...)
- engine: fixed a bug with the channel's mute parameter
- engine: added pattern bank concept
- engine: enhanced sequencer functionality
- engine: added support for channel's length paramater (still buggy when
heavily used)
- engine: enhanced midi support
- engine: replacing a channel' sample while sequencer is stopped works now
(replacing while sequencer is playing will come soon)
- gui: added a patch section to the gui for loading/saving patches
- gui: added a preferences dialog
- gui: added color scheme functionality
- gui: added color scheme editor gui (in the preferences dialog)
- gui: added autoload patch/sequence on startup
- gui: added startup configuration gui (in the preferences dialog)
- gui: added midi configuration gui
- gui: made the buttons for the pattern banks work
- gui: trigger button flashes according to sequencer events
- gui: parameter tooltips stay visible when adjusting value by mouse-wheel
- gui: pattern steps can be edited while sequencer is playing
Have fun,
"Without music, life would _O_/ \_O_/ +----------------------+
be a mistake - I would / )) [] | Peter Eschler |
only believe in a god who \\ // | peschler(a)t-online.de |
knew how to dance." (Nietzsche) // \\ +----------------------+
Email sucks for sending something as simple as a mere plaintext table,
so here's a link to two screenshots displaying the Sequencer Plus Gold
SPG distinguishes between "normal" transforms dealing with note-on/off
messages and "MIDI/Tempo" transforms affecting MIDI controllers and
tempo messages.
Best regards,
>From: Alexander Ehlert <alexander.ehlert(a)uni-tuebingen.de>
> > I've not had much chance to use ladspa. I've compiled glame to use it's
> > filter network, but there seems to be inputs and outputs lacking,
(snip my own dumb-assed bullsh**!)
At the time I wrote that I was concentrating on coding and everything else
was put on hold. I was so used to my own logic/methods that I expected
everything else to be the same.(!?)
>I browse through this mailing list rather seldom now due to lack of
>time. Glame does all the things, you didn't get done, so why don't you ask
>on the
>glame-users mailing list, or glame-devel mailing list? There's not much
>going on so we usually answer rather quick :-)
>Which glame version did you try?
>To read a stereo file you just open the read_file plugin from input.
>Then you add a reverb from the LADSPA section. And to connect them you
>simply left click into the right (blue) area of read_file a drag a
>connection to the plugin. For a second channel you just drag a second
>arrow to whatever other plugin. Really easy..
>Cheers, Alex
I know, I know - Now. After leaving it so long I tried it out the other
night. Yes it is easy. Sorry. I'm so used to installing software which
does n't work on my machine (especially QT stuff;) that I wrongly assumed
that was the case with Glame. I's using glame-1.0.1. and it works fine!
I was confused by some nodes like file-reader having only one unsplit box
for output even though it's (possibly) stereo, and other nodes having a
split box for outputs.
It's fast, it's easy and it's free. Get MSN Messenger today!
Hi Richard:
My day is rapidly turning out differently than I planned...
I've added a further clarifying comment after the article. I've also
decided that after next month's report on Karlsruhe, perhaps I'll do my
own comparisons and see just where Linux music notation software stands
in relation to its Win/Mac counterparts. That should be interesting...
Best regards
Richard Bown wrote:
>On Monday 12 April 2004 13:52, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
>>Yes. Now that people see that being real rude pays off, you may
>>expect similar suggestions for Rosegarden and Noteedit too ;-) Just
>>kidding, but I guess these two programs come off a bit cheap too (and
>>they hav lilypond output...)
>I'm saying nothing....
>Ok you twisted my arm - I did notice too that on your linuxjournal article:
>there's the sentence "Regarding music notation software, Linux has nothing
>like Finale, although the combination of NoteEdit with LilyPond has great
>potential". I forwarded this to the rg-devel list with a bit of a "Harumph".
>BTW Dave, the list of Sequencer Plus features looks good. I'll hang on to
>those although I've got to say it's probably time you had a look at RG again
>too! But then of course I would say that.
Dave Phillips:
> >
> >The programs is nearly five years old, and was originally only an amiga
> >program. Dave Phillips knows about it, but I guess he hasn't been listed
> >it yet, because I haven't made any official releases of it for linux yet.
> >
> >
> >
> That is indeed why it isn't listed. So when will CVS be updated ? I'll
> gladly test Radium again anytime... :)
I don't know about CVS, there has been so many changes since last
update. But I'll try to release a tarball quite soon. An alpa-nearly-beta
release. Like its now, all newere sources are only placed on my private
machine with no backup, so something needs to be done.
Dave Robillard:
> > > (Random thought) A MIDI sequencer where you can draw control curves over
> > the
> > > tracks (like ardour volume and whatnot) would be very cool.. esp. for
> > > electronic music (like, say, trance) when the control parameters are as
> > > important as the notes themselves
> > >
> >
> > Perhaps you would be interested in working on my music-editor Radium then?
> > http://www.notam02.no/radium/
> > Its about 98% functional for linux now, but I haven't released or updated
> > cvs for a very long time. I really should do that.
> I'll check it out when I find some time. Screenshot is a little confusing..
> is it something like a tracker interface, with time moving vertically (from
> top to bottm)?
Yes, time moves from top to bottom. But its not very much like tracker
> You should get yourself listed on Dave Phillip's page (linux-sound.org). If
> it's not on there it might as well not exist! :)
The programs is nearly five years old, and was originally only an amiga
program. Dave Phillips knows about it, but I guess he hasn't been listed
it yet, because I haven't made any official releases of it for linux yet.
Samuel Abels:
> On Sat, 2004-04-10 at 16:36, Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen wrote:
> > > So, in essence, gtkmm does it in a more C++ way. :-) (But please let us
> > > not make this a flame; may everyone be free to choose whatever toolkit
> > > he likes best. ;) )
> >
> > Then my question becomes:
> >
> > Why on earth use C++? Use a desent high-level non-crippled language like
> > lisp, python or ruby.
> You mentioned Python in the same sentence with "non-crippled language",
> which clearly proofs your good sense of humor. ;)
> That set aside, here are some of my reasons:
> * Audio applications are usually very CPU intensive. Having a complete
> screen full of different canvases updated all the time *is* CPU
> intensive. I am not saying that it is impossible to create a GUI fast
> enough with higher level languages, I am just saying that the difference
> is significant enough that many users may suffer from it.
> * Often, there are great advantages in having the whole application use
> only one language. This has advantages in both, maintainance and
> performance as well (converting data types is expencive).
> > Yes, this might start a flame-war, but I really think people
> > should be aware of the C/C++-stupidness.
> This is simply wrong. C++ is way faster in many cases. Also, writing a
> GTK2 GUI in C++ is not slower than using a high level language. In fact,
> the API is almost identical in most cases. And this is from someone who
> has created several GTK2 based projects using Perl OOP with GTK2.
Okey, these are good points. However, I should just wish everyone knew
lisp, then the world would be a better place. :)
Hi, just back from Musikmesse in Frankfurt.
Videos of Mediastation X-76 and Lionstracs - Thomas Organ Musicstation
(basically the mediastation with 2 manuals, pedals, speakers in a wooden
on the right side of the page, scroll down to VIDEO OF MUSIKMESSE,
you will find 4 videos
(under Linux you can play them with xine or mplayer if you have the
win32 codecs installed)
read these two links too:
(in the organ videos Bernd Wurzenrainer plays the NI B4 under VST server
with a jazz base (.wav) :-) )
Some LADers that were at Musikmesse: Marek Peteraj, Frank Neumann,
Matthias Nagoni, Fons A. (aeolus).
Companies using Linux in musical gear besides Lionstracs: Plugzilla (a
rack that can play VSTs), Muse Receptor (similar concept), Hartman
Neuron (a synth). Unfortunately the others are based on pretty
closed design and most don't even tell you that's based on Linux.
Perhaps their attitude will change
in future.
As always thanks to everyone that contributes to Linux and Linux audio,
without these people these
musical instruments would not be a reality today.