When I use jack_fst with the Crystal synth it works fine, but when I
close the plugin qjackctl closes too. Its settings remain in effect, but
the GUI vanishes. If anyone else has this problem, please let me know if
you've found a fix for it. It's annoying to have to reopen qjackctl each
time I use jack_fst.
jack_fst 1.2, qjackctl 0.2.14
I meed to communicate with MIDI devices from an embedded Linux world
(Gumstix). Its UARTs are cabable of:
14.7456M/16*29 = 31779
14.7456M/16*30 = 30720
MIDI spec says +-1%. My error is 1.7%, Is this close enough?
I figure this problem can't be new, but I'm finding very little info
about it. Some sites hint that an error of up to 3% is OK with certain
MIDI devices.
Any advice appreciated,
Mx41 minor update at
This wasn't on my todo list, but I just stumbled over the missing link
in the voice assign/stealing algorithm and couldn't help implementing
it. Just to check out if it really worked ... and I think it did :)
I now have voices in five assignment-ques:
silent // absolutely idle voices
released // voices about to become idle
excess holdpedal // elder voices than mentioned below ..
holdpedal // the two most recent voices for a given key
fingered // voices where the key is still pressed
... and a short two-voice que for each key to figure out the 'excess'
Voice assign will at best find a silent voice and at worst a fingered
Rolls (tremolo?) now works proper without stealing highest or lowest
note, nor anything inbetween for that matter. Finally!
Is there room for improvement? Yes I think so ... It is now possible to
get 'clicks' with certain combinations of envelope and playingstyle. On
the other hand it is also quite easy to avoid, so I will work slowly on
this one.
c[] mvh // Jens M Andreasen
It is no problem to design or write reverbs. The problem
is in coding the interface (API, GUI, etc.) to the reverb.
Here are some numbers. Yet unreleased jackgverb source code
has 20 parameters, and I have coded only the early reflection
section. All 20 parameters are meaningful to the end users, i.e.,
they are not developer parameters such as lengths of individual
delay lines. Therefore the number of parameters cannot be reduced
without making the reverb dull, canned.
For each parameter I have the following functions:
-a GUI callback (e.g., slider)
-jackgverb_set() and jackgverb_get() called in the GUI callbacks
-gverb_set() and gverb_get() called in jackgverb_set/get()
Perhaps jackgverb_set/get() are unnecessary. I have them because
gverb is an enclosed system with API and if I need to add
something to the jack wrapping, its place is in jackgverb_set/get().
So, in total I have 5*20 = 100 functions for the parameters. The
whole situation is a nightmare. I don't have time nor interest in
coding with that kind of system. It all gets worse if the design
is changed as often happens in the design phase.
What would help? If nobody figures out anything, I could draw the
reverb design on a small piece of paper and then somebody else
may torture himself in coding.
Are there coding patterns which would make my C code simpler?
Would modular system help? PD has strange firing rules: does they
apply to standard signal flow or to advanced ones? Feedback
paths should be sample accurate, not blocked to N samples as
in Csound.
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